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How to deal with children's cold symptoms simply and efficiently at home?
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-07-23

2020 is destined to be difficult. The new coronavirus epidemic has broken the pace of people's lives. It is even more troublesome for mothers who have children. What should I do if my child catches a cold? How can I handle it easily and efficiently at home if I am afraid of cross infection in the hospital?

More than 90% are viral infections, and most children do not need antibiotics

   Common cold symptoms

   1. Fever

   First of all, we must know that fever and cold in children are a very common disease. When the baby is in good spirits, mothers should not be too nervous and get confused. For general fever babies (more than 6 months old), if the axillary temperature does not exceed 38.5℃, physical cooling can be carried out first. If it exceeds 38.5℃ or the child is uncomfortable due to fever, oral "acetaminophen" or "ibuprofen" can be taken "Remember to replenish moisture in time and replace wet clothes.


2. Cough

  As the saying goes, the medicine is three-point poison, and occasionally coughing does not require medication. If you have phlegm, pay attention to turning over and pat your back, drink plenty of water, take in warm liquid food, and drink 2-5 ml of honey (for children over 1 year old) to relieve symptoms.

  Children over 1 year old can drink honey in moderation and more water

  3. Nasal congestion and runny nose

  Nasal congestion may affect sleep and eating, which is often the most annoying symptom for infants and young children. Use normal saline to spray the nose and keep the indoor humidity at 40~60% to help your baby's nostrils keep clean and moist. In addition, holding and patting the back can also make the baby more comfortable.

  4. Vomiting and diarrhea

  The child has vomiting and diarrhea, is it "gastroenteritis" or "cold"? Moms don’t need to be entangled. The treatment methods of the two are basically the same. They are mainly symptomatic, take care of rest, wash hands frequently, eat a light diet, often give montmorillonite powder on an empty stomach to protect the intestinal mucosa, about half an hour later, take probiotics to adjust Intestinal flora, most children take oral medication and diet for 2-3 days, the symptoms can be significantly improved.

  Pay attention to rest, wash your hands frequently, and drink plenty of water. Most children's "symptomatic treatment" can be done at home. Do you know how to deal with cold symptoms? For the new crown epidemic, there is no need to panic too much. If you have a history of infection and exposure, and symptoms such as fever occur, please take precautions and go to the nearest fever clinic in time.