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Don't panic when your baby is "crimps", calmly deal with it and keep healthy!
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-08-04

   What should parents do when a baby has febrile seizures?

    When it comes to "cramps," Bao parents and mothers talk about the tiger's discoloration. Today, let us get to know the "tiger" "febrile seizure".

    What is febrile seizures?

    Febrile convulsions refer to convulsions in infancy or childhood (usually between 6 months and 5 years of age) accompanied by fever. Fever causes abnormal brain waves in the brain, but there is no evidence of intracranial infection and no clear cause.

    What are the symptoms of febrile seizures?

    The common manifestations of febrile convulsions are: loss of consciousness, binocular gaze, complexion, blue lips, closed teeth, foaming at the mouth, stiffness and shaking of the limbs, and incontinence of the limbs. Most of the duration does not exceed 5 minutes. After the convulsions, children may experience shortness. Time confusion or sleepiness.

    What should parents do during convulsions?

    First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the child has a seizure. If only the limbs are shaking, there is no stiffness of the limbs and loss of consciousness, the chills caused by the increase in body temperature should be considered. If it is determined that the child has a seizure, you can:

    ①Place the child in a safe place, lying on his back or on his side, and tilt his head to one side when lying down to prevent vomit or secretions from entering the airway and causing suffocation;

    ②Keep the environment ventilated to reduce hypoxia in children;

    ③Don't press people, don't stuff anything into the child's mouth, don't pry open the teeth (especially parents don't put their fingers in the mouth of the child, it will not only have no effect on the child's condition, but also cause harm to the parent); Press the child to try to stop the twitch, and do not shake the child;

    ④ Record the duration of convulsion.

    Do I need to go to the hospital?

    need. If the child has convulsions longer than 5 minutes or becomes unconscious after the onset, promptly call 120 and seek medical help; if the convulsions are less than 5 minutes, after the convulsions stop, re-measure the body temperature, if necessary, take antipyretic drugs and go to the nearest hospital by yourself . After the hospital visits, the doctor will confirm whether the fever is caused by a serious infection, rule out other possible causes of convulsions, and give the child corresponding treatment.

    Will febrile seizures occur again?

    It is possible that 30% of children can relapse, and those with the first episode age less than 12 months are more likely to relapse than those with the first episode age greater than 12 months, or those who have 2 simple febrile seizures or more have a higher chance of recurrence. It is necessary to communicate with the doctor about the child's specific situation. The doctor will give advice on how to deal with the fever in the future. If the child continues to have febrile seizures, the doctor may prescribe related drugs.

    Will febrile seizures cause brain damage?

    Simple prognosis is good, it will not cause brain damage, nor does it mean that the child will develop lifelong convulsions, only about 1%-1.5% will develop epilepsy; complexity requires follow-up, and the incidence of epilepsy increases.

    Vaccination of children with febrile seizures

    ①Can be vaccinated: For simple febrile convulsions, or infrequent febrile convulsions (seizures <3 times within half a year, and <4 times within 1 year), there is no previous convulsion status (continuing convulsions for more than half an hour). After the secondary febrile illness is cured, various vaccines can be vaccinated according to the immunization program, and it is recommended to inoculate 1 dose each time;

    ② Temporary vaccination: For complicated febrile convulsions, or frequent episodes in a short period of time, it is recommended to visit a specialist neurology clinic.