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Liqiu! are you ready?
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-08-07

   Teach you how to deal with the "eventful autumn" of the body

   "The sky is harvesting the color of summer, and the leaves of the tree are moving in autumn." August 7, ushered in the 13th solar term in the 24 solar terms, which is also the first solar term in autumn, the beginning of autumn.

   "Li" means the beginning. Liqiu marks the beginning of autumn in the sense of solar terms, and autumn is a transitional season from hot to cold and then from cold to cold.

    In autumn, the temperature gradually drops, and people are prone to autumn dryness, autumn ejaculation, and lack of autumn. How to deal with "eventful autumn"? Let’s talk to everyone today.

    1. Prevent autumn dryness

    Autumn dryness is a disease that occurs when people experience dryness in autumn. Pathogens invade from the nose and mouth, and the symptoms of dry body and qi at the beginning, such as dry nasopharynx, dry cough and less phlegm, dry skin, etc.

    Dryness has two different properties: one is biased toward cold and the other is biased toward heat. Autumn dryness is one of the causes of exogenous six kinks. The human body is very vulnerable to the invasion of dryness and the lungs.

    There are various symptoms of autumn dryness, such as dry mouth and dry throat, cough and less phlegm, which are clinically divided into two types: "cool dryness" and "warm dryness".

    At this time, we must protect the lungs and invigorate the spleen, nourish yin and moisturize the lungs, so as to reduce the impact of "autumn dryness" on our body.

    In terms of diet, eat less cold and spicy foods and more moisturizing foods, but this season is still not suitable for tonic. The spleen is the source of phlegm, and the lung is the organ of phlegm.

    In autumn, strengthening the spleen cannot be relaxed, because regulating the function of the spleen and stomach can make the lungs healthier, and it is not easy to catch a cold and produce phlegm in winter.

    Using new grains, rice and wheat to make porridge for drinking, not only is rich in nutrients, it is good for digestion and absorption, but also can strengthen the spleen and lungs.

    In addition, you should eat more seasonal fruits such as fresh apples, oranges, and pears. It is especially good to eat more moisturizing foods such as lilies, almonds, and loquats in autumn. They are very suitable for people with asthma and bronchitis.

    Ophiopogon, astragalus, honeysuckle, citrus, chrysanthemum and other medicinal and food homologous foods can also be eaten with food. Eat less spicy foods such as green onions, ginger, garlic, leeks, and peppers.

Two, prevent autumn ejaculation

    In the summer and autumn seasons, the weather is warm and hot, and it is easy to suffer from diarrhea. Especially for children and young children, their gastrointestinal function is not perfect, and they are allergic to breast milk or certain foods, which can easily cause diarrhea, and the course of the disease is generally long, and it is difficult to heal. This should be paid attention to. Diarrhea in children is the most common infection.

    To prevent autumn ejaculation, you should pay attention to the following points in your life: pay attention to the proper nutrition in diet, drink more water, eat more vitamin-rich vegetables, fruits (such as oranges, apples, etc.), and protein-rich beans, etc., eat less onions, Spicy foods such as ginger, garlic, pepper, and supplementary foods for children should pay attention to the digestive ability of children, and add supplementary foods on time; after autumn, the temperature difference between morning and evening will increase. Due to the appropriate increase or decrease of clothing, pay attention to keeping warm. Strengthen outdoor activities, enhance physical fitness, improve body resistance, and avoid infection of various diseases.

    In the treatment of autumn diarrhea, traditional Chinese medicine often uses Shenlingbaizhu powder to invigorate the spleen and reduce dampness; Baohe Pills to eliminate food and cause stagnation; Buzhong Yiqi Decoction to invigorate qi and spleen; Sishen Pills to warm the kidney and dispel cold, astringe the intestines to relieve diarrhea.

    Acupoint therapy: Zusanli point, invigorating the spleen and dampness; Zhongwan point, and stomach invigorating the spleen; Tianshu point, regulating Qi and promoting stagnation. And it can cooperate with application and moxibustion treatment, the effect is particularly good.

    Three, prevention of autumn deficiency

    After the autumn, the climate changes from hot to cool and pleasant, the human body sweats less, and enters a period of cyclical rest, the digestive system function is also becoming normal day by day, but at this time people have an indescribable sense of fatigue. It is what people often call "autumn lack".

    Because summer heat is a yang evil, its sex rises and dissipates, and it is most likely to consume air and damage the essence. The long summer will cause abnormal consumption of the human body and easily produce a feeling of fatigue.

    The suitable temperature in autumn allows the body to recover and repair in autumn, which is also a protective measure for the body. After a period of adjustment and adaptation, the lack of autumn will be eliminated naturally.

To prevent autumn fatigue, you should pay attention to the following points in your life: proper physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, but the exercise intensity should not be too large. It should be gradually increased according to the physical condition. Do not over-exercise, otherwise it will increase the physical fatigue. It is not conducive to the recovery of the body; to ensure adequate sleep and improve the body’s immune function, it is necessary to follow the operating law of the biological clock, develop good sleep habits, and maintain a regular daily life; pay attention to light diet, avoid eating heavy greasy foods, and eat more Vitamin foods, such as vegetables and fruits, should eat more potassium-containing foods and caffeine-containing foods, such as tea, coffee, and chocolate.

    To treat autumn deficiency, traditional Chinese medicine often uses Buzhong Yiqi Decoction to invigorate Qi and spleen; Liujunzi Decoction, which invigorates Qi and invigorates the spleen; Xiangsha Yangwei Pill, which warms and neutralizes the stomach. Acupoint treatment: Zusanli acupoint, invigorating the spleen and dampness; Spleen acupoint, invigorating the spleen; Taibai acupoint, invigorating qi and invigorating the spleen.