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Precautions for Thunderstorm Weather
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-08-11

Notes on lightning protection

    ①It is strictly forbidden to stay on the tops of mountains or high hills when it is raining or thunder. It is more important not to continue to ride high to watch the rain. Do not hide under big trees or near telegraph poles, and do not walk or stand in open fields. Hide in low-lying places as soon as possible, or find shelters or dry caves as much as possible.

    ②In thunderstorms, do not use umbrellas with metal handles, take off metal frame glasses, watches, and belts. If you are traveling by bike, you should leave the bicycle as soon as possible, and stay away from other metal objects to avoid electrical conduction and lightning strikes.

   ③During thunderstorms, do not go swimming, boating, fishing, etc. by the river, river, or lake.

   ④ During the time of lightning, thunder, wind and rain, if tourists are resting in the hotel, they should immediately turn off the indoor TV, radio, audio, air conditioner and other electrical appliances to avoid electrical conduction. When thundering, it is safer to be in the middle of the room. Avoid staying directly underneath the light, and avoid relying on pillars, walls, doors and windows to avoid accidents caused by induced electricity during thunder.

    Outdoors, consider the lightning activity area and look at the distance of lightning activity. Generally, you can judge the distance by listening to the sound of thunder. Don't hide under lightning rods and big trees. Do not use an umbrella in an open place, because the umbrella has a needle point, and the electric field strength should be concentrated. Don't call your cell phone in an open area. To squat down, keep your feet together. The expert finally emphasized that in the event of a thunderstorm, citizens had better hide in a building equipped with metal doors and windows or with lightning rods. A car with a metal body is also the best "lightning shelter". Once these buildings or cars are struck by lightning, their metal frame or lightning protection device or the metal itself will lead the lightning current into the ground. Don't run under the tree.

    When a lightning strike occurs, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately. If breathing and heartbeat have stopped at that time, mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration and chest heart massage should be performed on the spot immediately, and on-site rescue should be actively carried out. Don't make emergency treatment without rushing to the hospital, otherwise it will delay the pathogenesis and cause illness and death. Sometimes, artificial respiration and chest heart massage should be continued on the way to the hospital. In addition, pay attention to keeping the patient warm. If there are mental and mental symptoms such as mania, convulsions and convulsions, cold compresses on the head should be used. For the part of electric burn, only need to keep dry or bandage under emergency conditions. When a thunderstorm occurs, even when a lightning rod is installed, you should quickly unplug the indoor TV, refrigerator, and antenna power plug to prevent unnecessary losses caused by space electromagnetic interference. In addition, from the perspective of the formation and occurrence process of lightning and thunder, open fields, on top of buildings, under tall trees, near rivers, lakes and ponds, and wet areas are areas where lightning accidents are frequent.