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Tips for health preservation
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-08-22

Chushu is the 14th solar term among the twenty-four solar terms. The time of the festival is around August 23, when the sun reaches 150° of the yellow longitude. The arrival of Chushu also means entering the second half of the Ganzhi calendar.

Go to bed early, get up early, take a good nap

The summer solar term is the alternate period from heat to cool. In nature, the yin qi increases and the yang qi weakens. The yang qi of the human body also recedes, and "autumn deficiency" also appears. Sleep can not only eliminate fatigue, but also make the brain and body fully rest. It is one of the important methods of health and beauty. Sleep should be fully utilized to maintain the body. It is recommended that you ensure adequate sleep and change the habit of going to bed late in summer. It is best to fall asleep before 10 o'clock in the evening. It is better to add 1 hour of sleep per day than in summer, and to ensure that you go to bed early and wake up early.

Avoid adding clothing too early

The meaning of "spring cover autumn freeze" is to keep the body temperature from high in autumn to help converge Yang Qi. Because when the heat goes out, there must be cold to exchange in. However, go out at night to add clothes to protect Yang Qi. At the same time, it will be colder sooner or later, so pay attention to adding clothes.

Sun protection in early autumn is also important

Some Jimei believes that when autumn is here, the sun starts to soften and sunscreen is no longer a necessity. In fact, this idea is not correct. Although the temperature drops and people feel cool, the ultraviolet rays are still as strong as in summer. In addition, people travel frequently in autumn, and sun protection is still a major issue for skin care. Not only should you continue to use sunscreen, and sunscreen multiples It should also be the same as in summer. Ordinary creams with sun protection values cannot meet the demand.

Drink more and speak less to prevent autumn dryness

Chinese medicine believes that autumn corresponds to the lungs of the human body, and Qiuzao hurts people and easily hurts the lungs. At this time, you should drink plenty of water instead of waiting until you are thirsty. There is a famous saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "drinking cold in the form of cold will hurt the lungs". The autumn weather has gradually turned cold, so we should avoid cold drinks. Dry autumn makes human skin evaporate more than 600 milliliters of water per day, and it must be hydrated in autumn. Generally, in autumn, you have to drink more than 500 ml of water every day than in other seasons to maintain the normal humidity of the lungs and respiratory tract, but you should pay attention to small amounts several times. In addition, talking non-stop every day can hurt the qi, among which lung qi and heart qi are the most vulnerable, so pay attention to "talk less."

Stretching can also relieve autumn fatigue

Even when you are not tired, you will feel comfortable if you consciously stretch your waist a few times. Stretching the waist can squeeze the thoracic cavity organs of the human body against the heart and lungs, which is conducive to the full movement of the heart, so that more oxygen can be supplied to various tissues and organs.

Eat more white food

The weather turns cooler in autumn and the air becomes slightly dry. Traditional health maintenance believes that white food enters the lungs, which means that white food can promote lung health and has a good health maintenance effect.

Eat more food to clear away heat and calm the nerves

From the perspective of health preservation, it is suitable to eat foods that clear heat and soothe the nerves during the summer season, such as white fungus, lilies, lotus seeds, honey, yellow croaker, scallops, kelp, jellyfish, celery, spinach, glutinous rice, sesame, beans and milk, but these foods Don't eat too much at once. In addition, the autumn dryness will gradually increase after the summer heat. In order to prevent the dry evil from hurting the lungs, you can eat more yin and moisturizing foods, such as pears, rock sugar, white fungus, sand ginseng, ducks and other yin and body fluid foods, or astragalus, codonopsis, squid, Turtle and other health foods that have the effect of replenishing qi.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more porridge and soup

After the heat, the climate gradually becomes dry, and the dry air hurts the lungs. If you regularly eat spicy fried foods, it is more likely to damage the lungs and aggravate the dehydration and dryness of the human body. The best way to deal with "autumn dryness" is to drink plenty of water, add salt or honey to boiled water, eat less fried, barbecued and hot foods as much as possible, and eat more fruits, lilies and some to nourish the yin and nourish the lungs and moisturize dryness. Shengjin's porridge soup. When summer and autumn overlap, you can eat more sour fruits, such as oranges, hawthorns, and green apples, and less sweet watermelons. Eating more porridge in the autumn morning can not only invigorate the spleen and stomach, but also bring refreshment for the day. Congee commonly eaten in autumn includes hawthorn rice porridge, Yali rice porridge, rabbit rice porridge, white radish rice porridge, almond rice porridge, orange peel rice porridge, persimmon rice porridge, etc.

Put less seasoning when cooking

It should be noted that autumn is cool and dry, and many people not only start tonic when the weather turns cooler, but also put onions, ginger, garlic, leeks, peppers and other spices into the dishes. In autumn, the function of the lungs is relatively strong, and eating too much spicy food will make the lung qi more vigorous, which in turn will damage the liver qi. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the amount of seasoning when cooking, and it is appropriate not to put too much seasoning.

Blow less air-conditioning and turn on electric fans to keep healthy

In the summer season, there is a big temperature difference between morning and evening, and respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and asthma are prone to attack. It is also a period of high incidence of diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Frequent blowing of air conditioners and electric fans is likely to cause problems such as frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, and gout; it may also lead to digestive diseases such as diarrhea, gastritis and enteritis.

Apply moisturizer as soon as possible after bathing

Skin care products should be adjusted at any time according to the change of seasons and personal skin conditions. After the fall, you should choose skin care lotions or creams with low irritation, high moisture, and moisturizing functions. Pay attention to sun protection when going out during the day. The bath time at night should not be too long, and the water temperature should be kept below 39°C to prevent the loss of moisture and grease due to overheating. After bathing, while the skin is not completely dry, immediately apply a moisturizing lotion or skin care product to form a protective film on the surface of the skin to help keep the skin moist and prevent the skin from evaporating, thereby effectively reducing the phenomenon of dry skin.

Tie Qiu Fat should be gradual

In early autumn, the poor appetite in summer gradually improves, and people start to actively or passively apply autumn fat to store energy for the cold of autumn and winter. However, people's gastrointestinal function is weak during the summer season. Too much meat and other high-protein foods will increase the burden of the gastrointestinal tract and affect the gastrointestinal function.

Develop abdominal breathing method

The method of abdominal breathing is very simple, that is, the abdomen slightly bulges outward when you exhale, and slowly shrinks inward when you exhale. However, this breathing method allows oxygen to be fully absorbed into the body and converted into the energy required by the body, exchanged with the exhaust gas in the body, and discharged from the body. Not only can you have a healthier body, but also maintain a balanced spirit. status.

Do more sports

You can choose walking, cycling, gymnastics, jogging, rope skipping, etc. The exercise level is just a little sweating all over the body. You can moderately bask in the sun while exercising. The time to bask in the sun should be in the evening, about half an hour each time, and a sheltered place should be chosen when bask in the sun. Through moderate physical exercise and sun exposure, you can feel the comfort of the outdoor sunshine and air, improve the human body’s utilization of oxygen, promote the body’s blood circulation, maintain the body’s vigorous metabolism, and make the sebaceous glands and sweat glands secrete normally to moisturize Skin, prevent the appearance of uncomfortable symptoms such as dry skin, itching and peeling.