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The benefits of being in love
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-08-25

First of all, let’s come to Kangkang. Six major benefits of kissing


    Kissing can replace any brand of chewing gum because it can prevent dental plaque and dental caries, which is similar to toothpaste. This phenomenon can be explained by the following theory. Kissing can stimulate the secretion of a lot of saliva, which contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, so it can effectively prevent dental caries. And passionate kissers are less likely to get gingivitis.

    In addition, during the kissing process, the pH of saliva is neutral, so it can prevent a variety of dental diseases.

  2. Beauty

   A passionate kiss will put more than 30 facial muscles in a state of tension. This can make the skin smoother and can also speed up blood circulation. Perhaps the effect of kissing is better than using various skin creams and masks. Of course, compared with using skin creams and masks, the kissing process is much more comfortable.

  3. Lose weight

  Every passionate kiss consumes at least 12 calories in the human body. However, in order to achieve weight loss, we don't need crazy kissing. Scientists announced that three kisses a day, each kiss lasting 20 seconds, can achieve the goal of weight loss.

  4. Pain

  Endorphin hormone is a good anesthetic. The more passionate the kiss, the more endorphins the body will secrete. The hormonal analgesic effect produced by a kiss is equivalent to a tablet of painkiller. In addition, some other interesting effects of kissing are related to antibiotics. During the kissing process, saliva will automatically produce antibiotics. This same

  It can also produce anesthetic effects. Let you forget the pain and keep kissing!

  5. Decompression

  Kissing can prevent the formation of the stress hormone-adrenal cortex hormone. Adrenal cortex hormones are also responsible for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, muscle atrophy and insomnia. Generally speaking, kissing can be very effective in calming people down from tension and getting rid of the constraints of stress. People who like kissing are usually optimistic, and this is also the reason.

  In addition, kissing can also stimulate the secretion of large amounts of adrenaline. Adrenaline can prevent the formation of the stress hormone hydrocortisone and ensure that we have a happy mood. Finally, kissing at least three times a day can keep you in a romantic and pleasant atmosphere 24 hours a day.

  6. Immunity

  Our saliva contains a lot of bacteria. About 80% of the bacteria are the same for all people. The remaining almost 20% of bacteria vary from person to person. In the mouth of the kissing partner, once other people's bacteria are added, these microorganisms will react differently. So it can stimulate a person's immune system to produce specific antibodies. According to science, this process is called "cross-immunization".

  Studies have found that people who have the habit of kissing regularly live five years longer than those who kiss in general. The reason why hot kiss is an excellent beauty treatment for men, women and children, is that all the muscles of the hot kiss and long kiss are moved, so that the skin will remain rosy and smooth for a long time.

  Natural painkillers can be released when hugging

  When you hug your lover, your body will release oxytocin. This substance can appear in the brain, ovaries and testicles. It can relieve pain and reduce stress and play a role in emotional communication. When a headache occurs, a lover's hug can be worth a painkiller.

People who are immersed in love may be similar to those with OCD

  Studies have shown that people at the beginning of a relationship have lower levels of serotonin and higher levels of cortisol, which is strikingly similar to those with obsessive-compulsive disorder. This also explains why we are very different from personality when we fall in love with someone. Things.

  The love molecule really exists

  Researchers have recently discovered that when a person is in love, 12 areas of the brain work together to release a large amount of excitatory substances such as dopamine, oxytocin, epinephrine and vasopressin, which give people a sense of euphoria—just like The feeling of using cocaine, no wonder some people would say that love is poisonous.

  Dopamine is a highly visible molecule, and it can be seen in the research of Parkinson's disease, addiction, and depression. Some people even think that love is actually the result of a large amount of dopamine in the brain. Of course, it is a bit light to draw conclusions like this, but it must be admitted that, like nicotine, caffeine and cocaine, love can indeed increase the level of dopamine in the brain.

  Endorphins are also a star molecule and are called "happy hormones". This is a molecule similar to "opium", but produced by our body itself. Another love hormone, oxytocin, should not be thought of as its name implies that it only works when a woman gives birth. In fact, it also plays an important role in the relationship between men and women.

  We love love with our hearts, not our brains

  In love, we will be happy, drunk to the lover, we will feel distressed, beloved; after being broken in love, we will be heartbroken-why love, the brain-dominated emotional activity, has so many heart-related feelings?

  The physiological explanation is that in addition to love molecules, the brain also stimulates the production of other substances that act on our bodies. If we stimulate the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline, our heart beats faster, blood flow increases, palms sweat, and our complexion turns red. People in love will also increase the nerve growth factor in their blood. Scientists believe that this factor plays an important role in the production of "love at sight".

  However, we can't say to our girl: I love you with my brain-therefore, we are still used to calling, beloved girl.