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Teacher occupational disease prevention
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-09-10

The teaching profession is a profession that integrates mental work and physical work. In the heavy and laborious teaching, due to the particularity of the profession, the health of the gardeners is plagued by diseases. According to relevant survey data, 70% of teachers are in a sub-health state and high-intensity work has caused a lot of physical and psychological pressure on teachers, leading to teacher occupational diseases.

    Pay attention to teacher health

    Teachers’ health issues should receive the attention of the whole society. For the good development of education, we hereby call on all schools to promote and popularize teachers’ health knowledge, improve teachers’ self-health awareness, and continuously improve teachers’ overall health. Improve the working environment of teachers, such as using dust-free chalk, preparing a place for teachers to rest between classes and creating a good working competition environment. At the same time, teachers should be reminded to combine work and rest and care for themselves in their daily work. Apart from intense work, proper exercise has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. It is best for teachers with conditions to have one to two physical examinations a year, and if diseases are found, they can be treated in time to avoid delays in their illness.

    There are three main characteristics of teacher work: more talking time, more standing time, more desk time, and then teacher occupational diseases: pharyngitis, varicose veins, cervical and lumbar spondylosis and neurasthenia.

    Fragile part 1: Throat

    The chalk smoke and dust made the teacher suffer enough, and one after another was hit by chronic pharyngitis. Although there is less dust in dust-free chalk, and schools with better conditions no longer use chalk, which reduces the chance of teachers suffering from pharyngitis, long-term exposure still makes the incidence of teacher pharyngitis much higher than other industries. In addition to the throat, the vocal cords are also one of the "easy-to-injury" parts of the teacher. Common vocal cord nodules are caused by improper impact of the left and right vocal cords and proliferation of nodules due to long-term continuous use of the vocal cords or incorrect pronunciation. Manifested as sore throat and hoarse voice.

    Strengthening plan one

    Talking a lot, drinking less water, and inhaling chalk dust are the main reasons that teachers have more pharyngitis. If a teacher wants to maintain a round voice, the most important thing is to modify the way of speaking, changing chest breathing to abdominal breathing. In addition, some maintenance measures can be taken at ordinary times: pay attention to the volume of the voice during lectures, and do not speak too loudly or eagerly; let the vocal cords rest during breaks; often use warm water and mint lozenges to moisturize the throat to stimulate saliva secretion , To lubricate the throat; irritating foods such as peppers and high-sweet foods such as chocolate should not be consumed too much.

    Fragile part 2: legs

    Generally speaking, the teacher always spends more time standing and giving lectures. According to the medical theory of "Jiu Li Bone Bone" in traditional Chinese medicine, teachers stand for too long and the leg muscles are under tension for a long time, which will affect the blood return of the lower limbs, causing swelling and pain in the lower limbs, and in severe cases, varicose veins. Some old teachers often have symptoms such as exposure of calf blood vessels, bending such as earthworms, and superficial pigmented patches.

    Strengthening plan two

    Expert advice: reduce standing time, walk slowly during lectures, move your legs during class, and lift your legs above the level of the heart when you are resting to relieve the pressure on your legs and allow blood to flow back to the heart as much as possible; daily wear Elastic stockings to prevent varicose veins in the calf, and do more exercises to promote blood circulation in the legs, such as jogging and other sports or massage the legs; third, soak your feet in hot water before going to bed and massage yourself.

    Fragile part 3: spine

    Teachers need to work at the desk for a long time to prepare lessons and correct homework, which will keep the lumbar muscles and cervical spine in a state of tension, and over time will cause chronic lumbar muscle strain and cervical spine diseases. Because writing on the blackboard requires raising the arm and causing neck back fasciitis and shoulder rotator tendinitis, if left untreated, in addition to increasing the soreness, it will also evolve into cervical degenerative arthritis or frozen shoulder. The cervical spine is often sore and severe Sometimes there is a feeling of weakness in the shoulders and back, and even a headache, and the arms cannot be raised.

    Strengthening plan three

    Hot compresses can temporarily relieve painful parts. The best way is to adjust the posture and length of time at work, moderate exercise and adequate rest to prevent skeletal muscle lesions. For example, the desk time should not be too long. Generally, you can relax for 3-5 minutes in about an hour and do some exercises such as expanding the chest, twisting the waist, and moving the limbs. When your eyes are tired, you can move your eyes up, down, left, and right, or stand on a window or balcony and look far away to relieve fatigue.

    Fragile parts 4: nerves, blood vessels

    Teachers work long hours, use their brains excessively, usually don’t pay much attention to diet, eat inaccurately, lack of physical exercise, and now the competition for admission to higher education is fierce. The increased work pressure causes a huge mental burden on teachers, which is easy to trigger emotions. Instability-related cerebrovascular diseases, such as dizziness, insomnia, and early awakening. Normal people will feel relaxed after waking up, but many teachers generally feel sleepy. In severe cases, they will also have bad tempers, long-term emotional tension, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and other diseases. Nowadays, neurasthenia and cerebral arteriosclerosis are not only "wrapped" by old teachers, even some young teachers are not let go.

    Strengthening plan four

    Neurasthenia should be based on psychological counseling, self-regulation, and medication can be used. For arteriosclerosis, you can adjust your diet and lifestyle. The diet should be light, eat more vegetables and fruits, and less high-fat and high-sugar foods, such as offal. Pay attention to nutrition regulation. Teachers' brain cells are active, which requires more nutrients needed by cells, such as protein, vitamins and trace elements. Live a regular life, combine work and rest, and actively exercise to strengthen physical fitness.

According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of “no pain in general, no pain in pain”, these types of occupational diseases of teachers are caused by impaired blood flow and unrelaxed muscles by maintaining a posture for a long time. According to my experience, completing the following four "100 strokes" every day has a very good effect on the prevention and treatment of teachers' occupational diseases:

1. Tilt the head back as far as possible or rotate the neck 100 times to prevent cervical spondylosis. Teachers often tilt their heads down when approving homework and preparing lessons. Now they need to practice in the opposite direction. Tilt your head back, or turn your neck, you can move your neck joints and relax your neck muscles.

2. Movement of the shoulder joint or 100 strokes of the arm can prevent frozen shoulder. When the teacher writes on the blackboard or uses the computer, the shoulder muscles and joints are in a state of tension for a long time. By moving the shoulder joints, the discomfort of the joints and muscles here can be relieved.

3. Lean back or rotate the waist 100 times as much as possible to prevent lumbar spondylosis. It is best to use your hands on your hips for support when you lean back. Rotating the waist can relax the waist joints and muscles.

4. 100 strokes of the levator anus can prevent hemorrhoids. Sitting and standing for a long time, the muscles around the anus are tight and blood circulation is not smooth, so hemorrhoids are very easy to grow, and levator anus exercise is a good way to prevent hemorrhoids.

      Of course, you don’t have to do 100 reps. The specific amount of activity can vary from person to person. These types of exercises can be performed outdoors, at home or in the office. You can do them in the morning, at night, or in your spare time. The operability is strong and the effect is obvious. You might as well try it.