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"China Brain Health Day": Pay attention to "top" and other major events
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-09-16

In recent years, the incidence of neurological and mental diseases in my country has been increasing year by year, which has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. On September 16, 2000, my country named every September as "Brain Health Month". More than one hundred experts and scholars from the Brain Health Professional Committee of the China Medical Promotion Association have issued an initiative to designate September 16 each year as "Brain Health Day" in order to awaken the public's attention to brain health.

   Brain-related diseases

    The diseases related to the brain are generally divided into brain organic diseases and brain functional diseases. Organic brain disease is a type of disease that causes permanent damage to the brain due to various reasons, including common cerebrovascular diseases, encephalitis, brain tumors, etc., and functional brain diseases are caused by dysfunction of the cerebral cortex, leading to autonomic nerve function Diseases caused by disorders generally have less serious consequences than organic diseases, such as common schizophrenia and sleep disorders. The third national retrospective sample survey report on the cause of death shows that cerebrovascular disease has jumped to the first cause of death in my country.

The brain is equivalent to the human headquarters, because the brain is in charge of human feelings, senses, and thinking. Once there is a problem with the brain, it is certainly important to manage people's consciousness and thinking. The total weight of our brain is only 2% of human body weight, but its demand for blood supply is 20% of the total blood supply of the body. These cells of the brain must rely on adequate blood supply to maintain his thinking, so that people can make judgments and normal thinking activities.

   Therefore, brain health is the "top priority" issue.

    Some people believe that only a brain disease can prove that the brain is in an unhealthy state. This is only half of the truth. There are two main types of unhealthy brains: one is brain diseases, such as stroke and encephalitis, and the other is The brain is in a "sub-healthy" state.

    The "sub-health" of the brain is due to the accumulation of mental stress for a long time and the long-term overload of the brain, which hinders the timely replenishment of oxygen and nutrition by the brain cells, causing endocrine dysfunction, causing brain fatigue, causing "sub-health" symptoms and even illness . The brain is in a "sub-healthy" state for a long time and is prone to cerebrovascular diseases.

   What is the experience of overusing the brain?


    First of all, long-term study and work without paying attention to adjustments will lead to excessive brain use.

Excessive use of the brain will cause our supposedly quick reactions to become sluggish, lose attention, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, physical weakness, a sharp decline in thinking and understanding ability and memory ability, etc., because of the high tension of brain nerve cells, it is serious People may also experience sleeplessness, suspiciousness, anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of suicide. It can be seen that the fatigue of the brain is very harmful to us!

    Long-term overuse of the brain and careless adjustment may also induce neurasthenia, insomnia and other diseases.

    After reading the above symptoms of overuse of the brain, is it terrifying, then how can we make the brain "relaxed"?

    How to relieve the symptoms of brain fatigue?


    1. Dietary supplement

    Pay attention to the combination of diet and nutrition. Foods containing protein, fat and rich B vitamins, such as tofu, milk, fish and meat foods can prevent premature fatigue. Eating more fruits, vegetables and drinking water can also help eliminate fatigue.

    2. Rest and recovery method

    Set aside a certain amount of "gasp" and rest time every day. The best way is to lie down and relax your limbs, or get a good sleep. Often when you wake up, your tiredness will disappear. In addition, listening to music, practicing calligraphy, painting, and walking can also relieve physical fatigue.

     Remember! Don't think that smoking and drinking coffee can cheer yourself up, force yourself to overcome fatigue and continue to study and work. Using the method of exciting the brain to force the brain to continue to work will only increase mental fatigue and increase cell damage, which is very harmful to the body.

"Working with rest" is not to talk about it. Long hours of study and work or even forgetting to sleep and eat may be able to make you more gains in a short period of time, but if this goes on, it is really time to overuse the brain, maybe. ...Are you bald??