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Are you mentally healthy?
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-10-10

"World Mental Health Day" was initiated by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in 1992 and is on October 10th each year.


The World Health Organization believes that mental health refers to a state of health in which everyone can recognize their own potential, can adapt to normal life pressures, can work effectively, and be able to do well for their communities. Contribute.

According to experts, with the intensification of social competition, mild mental development disorders such as depression, autism, anxiety and other mental development disorders are as common as colds. In addition to economic reasons, many people with mental development disorders and their family members do not realize the cause of mental development disorders, or are afraid of being discriminated against by secular prejudices, and avoid medical treatment. Experts especially remind: Mental disorders should be treated actively. You might as well tell yourself: "I just caught an emotional cold, and I am suffering now, but it will be better after treatment."

Depression is the most common type of neuropsychiatric disease. The highest incidence of depression in foreign countries can account for about 10% of the general population, and the incidence of women is higher than that of men. But at the same time, depression is a chronic disease with considerable harmfulness and a high disability rate. Mental health experts point out that effective stress relief is the most effective measure to prevent depression.

If early intervention is not paid attention to, patients are likely to develop into depression, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. Only by relieving stress in time can depression be effectively avoided.

Li Bing, director of the Department of Clinical Psychology, Peking University Institute of Mental Health: "From the perspective of mental health, we recommend that you try to find ways to release your pressure when you encounter some pressure. For example, you can find a friend to chat. You might as well talk to a psychiatrist, do some outdoor sports or physical activities, relieve stress in time, and better adapt to stress, so that you will not be prone to mental disorders."

People who are usually more irritable and restless should improve their ability to cope with emergencies, improve their psychological endurance, and perform moderate relaxation training to stabilize their emotions. Once you have symptoms of psychological discomfort, you should consult a psychologist for treatment.

The absence of mental disorders does not mean complete mental health. In fact, a person will almost inevitably have mental health problems in their life. The most common examples are inferiority complex, and the most extreme examples are suicide. These problems hinder personal growth and development to a certain extent. However, a mental health problem does not necessarily mean a mental disorder.

According to reports, common mental disorders include schizophrenia, mental disorders, insomnia, depression and so on. There are also some called bad mental behavior problems, mainly suicide, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, adjustment disorder and childhood behavior problems.

At present, with the increasing pressure in life, many people are in a state of mental sub-health. Are you mentally healthy? Let's test it!

Please answer: "Yes" or "No"

1. Are there some people or things that easily make you unhappy?

2. Someone is sorry for you, do you still have it for more than half a year?

3.Are you angry all the way to the person who touched you on the bus or subway without apologizing?

4. Do you often don't want to talk to people?

5. You are doing important work, do you feel that other people's words bother you and annoy you?

6. Have you analyzed your psychological feelings and certain behaviors for a long time?

7. Do you often feel that others look down on you?

8. Do you often feel bad?

9. When you are arguing with others, do you often fail to control your voice, resulting in too loud or too soft?

10.Are you used to talking to yourself?

11. Others do not understand you, will you get angry?

12.Is it not happy to watch comedies and listen to jokes?

13. Do you often feel that someone is tricking you?

Answer the above questions objectively. If the answer is mostly "no", congratulations, you are currently in a healthy mental state. If the answer is mostly "yes", then we must remind you to be extra careful. You may have psychological problems. Affect mental health. If you pass the above questions, you have found the problem and you should improve it in time.