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Precautions for Fall Food
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-09-22

1. Product crab

Excessive crab eating can cause gastroenteritis

Around the autumnal equinox, not only the mooncake market began to flourish, but the crabs in this season also began to be full of yellow fat. In addition to buying from the seafood market, many citizens are also keen to shop online and have a real taste. As a result, many people suffer from illnesses due to their greed for delicious food, such as acute gastroenteritis, acute pancreatitis, etc., and some even hang salt water.

The gastroenterologist reminds you that crabs must be steamed and cooked thoroughly. It is best to remove the gills, stomach, heart, and intestines of crabs when eating crabs. Due to the cold nature of crabs, people with deficiency and cold should not eat more, let alone eat with cold fruits such as persimmons and pears.

  2. Moon cakes

"Three high syndrome" eat less meat and egg yolk fillings

In the peak season when hairy crabs are on the market, mooncakes also become popular. Some people eat sweets and even eat moon cakes for breakfast every day. Medical experts remind you to pay special attention when eating moon cakes. Moon cakes are high-sugar and high-fat foods. Eat in the morning or noon to supplement energy and not easy to gain weight. But at night, you should eat less or not moon cakes, especially for the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Otherwise, May increase the risk of blood clots.

Most moon cakes contain a lot of fat. Once stored for a long time, they are prone to deterioration. Oil will oxidize and become rancid, which is not good for health. Moon cakes contain more oil and sucrose. Excessive consumption may also cause stomach fullness, bloating, indigestion, loss of appetite, and elevated blood sugar. The elderly and children should not eat more moon cakes. Diabetes patients cannot eat more so-called "sugar-free" moon cakes. Many of these moon cakes are made of starch and may still have higher calories. Eating too much may cause blood sugar to rise. People with high blood fat and high cholesterol should eat less moon cakes filled with meat and egg yolk.

During storage, moon cakes are afraid of both high temperature and humidity, and the filling will deteriorate after storage. Therefore, when putting them in the refrigerator, it is best to put the mooncakes together with their packaging boxes and take them out one hour before eating. Too much moon cakes may feel greasy. When tasting, drink more green tea.