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Guide to Safe Traveling for Epidemic Prevention and Control During Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-09-30

Warm reminder of epidemic prevention and control during Mid-Autumn National Day holiday in Chengdu

At present, the global epidemic continues to spread, and the risk of imported epidemics from abroad still exists. The risk of epidemic infection exists at any time and requires a high degree of vigilance. The Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day "Double Festival" are approaching. When the new crown epidemic and flu may "superimpose", how to prevent the epidemic so that citizens and tourists can feel the unique charm of the park city and have a happy and peaceful holiday?

1. Daily preventive measures during holidays

  Keep windows open for ventilation at home, and wash your hands promptly after going out and going home.

     Wear a mask when taking buses and subways, crowded places, poorly ventilated places, and “three types of places” in medical institutions, wash hands frequently, maintain a social distance of 1 meter, do not shake hands when meeting, and observe cough etiquette.

     Public spoons and chopsticks are advocated at dinner parties, buffets are not recommended, and the number of people in contact with meal-taking tools is reduced.

     Refusing to eat wild animals.

     Do a good job of self-health monitoring, wear a mask when symptoms such as fever and cough occur, self-isolate in time, and seek medical attention in time.

2. Preventive measures when traveling

  The current domestic epidemic situation is stable, but it continues to spread abroad. It is recommended to choose domestic travel. However, it is not recommended for the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women and other high-risk groups to travel.

     Make preparations before you travel, learn in advance about the prevention and control policies, travel reminders, ticket reservations, and passenger flow restrictions of tourist destinations, so as to achieve "no travel without appointment", avoid the peak time of popular attractions and scenic spots, and travel off-peak. Avoid pushes; prepare protective equipment, common medicines and warm clothing.

Take care of the entire journey, wear masks on public transportation and in crowded indoor places, maintain social distance, and pay attention to hand hygiene.

     Choose a hotel with better sanitary conditions, open windows for ventilation, clean and disinfect.

     Do not touch, play, feed and eat wild animals.

     If you experience respiratory symptoms such as fever and dry cough during and after traveling, you should go to the nearest medical institution immediately.

3. Epidemic prevention and control measures for enterprises and institutions

 Airports, railway stations, long-distance passenger stations, supermarkets, shopping malls, indoor farmers' markets, hotels, restaurants, theaters, museums and other places should strengthen cleaning, disinfection and ventilation.

    Workers wear masks and strictly implement health monitoring. If respiratory symptoms such as fever and dry cough occur, they should immediately report and go to the nearest medical institution for treatment.

    At the entrance, the body temperature of the public personnel who enters should be checked, reminded to wear masks, and disinfectant hand sanitizers should be provided.

    Strengthen the health reminders of the place through propaganda posters and broadcasting.

    Arrange the staff to conduct proper evacuation and keep the density of personnel at 70% of the maximum capacity of the site.

Long holiday trip, please take this health reminder with you

The National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival will start soon

The friends who have arranged a trip come to see:

Don’t forget to be healthy when you’re away from home!

It is still in the global pandemic period of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. With the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holiday, the large-scale flow of people will increase the risk of the epidemic; In addition, with the advent of autumn and winter, influenza and other respiratory infectious diseases are prone to high incidence, and the new crown and influenza are superimposed. Risks cannot be ignored.

At the same time, there are increased opportunities for gatherings and eating out during the holiday season, leading to an increased risk of foodborne diseases and intestinal infectious diseases.

The China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued the “Key Tips for Traveling Hygiene during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival in 2020”, clearly stating that unnecessary cross-border travel should be avoided as much as possible, domestic travel can be arranged normally, and the relevant requirements of the new crown prevention and control work of the travel destination must be obeyed during the travel. .

Prevention of new crown should pay attention

The mainland of China is currently a low-risk area and can travel normally. During the trip, the relevant requirements of the new crown prevention and control work of the destination must be obeyed.

At the same time, prepare hand-washing disinfectant, disinfectant wipes, masks and other items. Minimize going to closed places and crowd gathering places, and reduce gatherings. When I have fever or other diseases that are not suitable for travel, I should postpone or cancel my travel.

In cross-border travel, if the destination requires travellers to be isolated for medical observation for 14 days after entry, and my country also has to quarantine for 14 days of immigrants, it may take up to 28 days before and after departure, which will seriously affect the short-term travel experience. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals weigh the travel time and try to avoid unnecessary cross-border travel during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

During travel, when taking airplanes, trains and other means of transportation, you must abide by the order and management requirements of flight attendants, wear masks throughout the journey, do hand hygiene, and properly keep receipts for inquiries. Line up in an orderly manner during play, try to keep a distance of more than 1 meter, and wear masks in closed places and crowded places. When dining in the restaurant, it is recommended to sit apart or dine on the same side, and keep a distance of more than 1 meter from other people. If symptoms such as fever, fatigue, dry cough, etc. occur during the journey, you should immediately go to the nearest medical institution to cancel or suspend the journey.

 Returning from travel, continue to do a good job of personal health monitoring, self-observation should be done for 14 days. Once you feel unwell, seek medical advice in time and actively inform your doctor of your travel history. If they are returning from overseas travel, they should follow the requirements of the latest version of my country's new crown pneumonia prevention and control plan and the local new crown pneumonia prevention and control headquarters to implement isolation medical observation, and carry out nucleic acid and antibody testing as required.

Prevent food poisoning

During the festival, the chances of gathering and eating out will increase, and the possibility of food poisoning will increase. Food poisoning in my country is mainly caused by microbial food poisoning incidents and the number of people poisoned, mainly in food service units and collective canteens. Patients often develop gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea within 24 hours after eating.

Main preventive measures:

  Pay attention to food hygiene and wash your hands before and after eating. Do not eat uncooked and cooked food, unpasteurized milk, unpeeled fruits, raw vegetables, and do not drink raw water.


  Do not pick or eat wild mushrooms and wild plants. Choose fresh and safe food materials, and separate raw and cooked foods during processing. When dining out, pay attention to choosing a restaurant with formal and sanitary conditions.

Watch out for norovirus

Norovirus outbreaks often occur in tour groups, cruise ships, and holiday centers. In recent years, my country has reported several outbreaks of norovirus disease in domestic and foreign tour groups. (Infection with norovirus may make people vomit and diarrhea to doubt life!)

Norovirus outbreaks often occur in tour groups, cruise ships, and holiday centers. In recent years, my country has reported several outbreaks of norovirus disease in domestic and foreign tour groups. (Infection with norovirus may make people vomit and diarrhea to doubt life!)

Route of infection:

  Eating or drinking food or water contaminated by norovirus, touching objects or surfaces contaminated by the virus and putting fingers in the mouth, contacting patients with virus infection (such as caring for patients, sharing food with patients or sharing utensils).

  The most common clinical symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, followed by nausea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, chills, and muscle aches. Most patients recover after 2 to 3 days of symptoms. Very few cases can be severe or even death. The high-risk groups of severe illness are the elderly and the young children.

Main preventive measures:

  Pay attention to washing hands, especially after going to the toilet and changing diapers, and before each eating, preparing and processing food; fruits and vegetables should be washed carefully before eating, and oysters and other shellfish and seafood should be deeply processed and eaten.

  Norovirus-infected persons cannot prepare and process food or accompany other patients during the period of illness to 3 days after recovery; surfaces contaminated by patients' vomit or feces should be cleaned and disinfected with chlorine bleach or other effective disinfectants in time, and Take off and wash contaminated clothing or sheets immediately. Wear rubber or disposable gloves when washing, and wash your hands carefully after washing.


Autumn and winter are also periods of high incidence of respiratory diseases such as influenza. It is recommended that key populations receive influenza vaccination, and other populations voluntarily vaccinate. Although influenza vaccination is important, vaccination is not the only way of protection, and daily protection work cannot be relaxed (such as: wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, getting more ventilation, maintaining social distance, and strengthening physical exercise).

Key recommended vaccination population:

1. Port quarantine and border inspection, and personnel of relevant units stationed at the airport

2. Staff of medical and health institutions

3. Supervise the staff

4. Staff of social welfare pension institutions

5. Seniors 60 years and older

6. Elementary and middle school students

The vaccination clinic in Chengdu can be inquired in the following ways:

Method 1: →Follow the official account "Chengdu Disease Control", enter the official account → click on the "Outpatient Clinic" column → select "Vaccination Clinic"

Method 2: Enter "Vaccination Clinic" on Baidu Map to search

Inquire about the addresses and telephone numbers of vaccination clinics in all districts (cities) and counties of Chengdu.

Article source: China Center for Disease Control and Prevention