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what? In addition to the elderly, children and adolescents also get high blood pressure?
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-10-08

In order to raise the general public’s awareness of the seriousness of the health hazards of hypertension, governments at all levels, various departments and all sectors of society pay attention to hypertension work, mobilize the whole society to participate in the prevention and control of hypertension, and popularize the knowledge of hypertension prevention and treatment. To enhance the self-care awareness of the whole people, the Ministry of Health has decided to set October 8th each year as the National Hypertension Day since 1998.

According to the 2010 China Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension, one in every five adults in my country suffers from hypertension; it is estimated that there are at least 200 million hypertensive patients nationwide; however, the awareness, treatment and control rates of hypertension are low.

 At present, there are about 130 million hypertensive patients in my country who do not know that they have hypertension. Among those who are known to have hypertension, about 30 million have not been treated; 75% of patients receiving antihypertensive treatment have blood pressure Did not reach the target level. The task of preventing and treating hypertension is still very arduous.

 According to a newly published cross-sectional study, the prevalence of hypertension among adults over 18 years old in China is as high as 33.5%. In fact, what is even more frightening is that many high blood pressures have already started since childhood. What is high blood pressure? What is the matter with high blood pressure in teenagers and even children?

1. Essential Hypertension

 Hypertension is divided into primary and secondary. For adult hypertension, primary is the vast majority. The so-called primary is caused by the interaction of very complicated multiple genetic factors and environmental factors. For this type of hypertension, there is no such thing as “cure the root cause” and “removal of the roots” that many masters and genius doctors call. The most important thing is to control the blood pressure well by maintaining medication to achieve the prevention and mitigation targets. The purpose of organ damage. What is a target organ? High blood pressure likes to use human organs to play targets. You can shoot everything from heart, brain, kidney, eyes, etc., and you must be accurate every time you hit, and it's very cruel! This guy can't do it, he can only use medicine to suppress it, let it out of breath and destroy it, so that the human organs are protected.

2. Secondary Hypertension

 Secondary hypertension is completely different. At this time, hypertension is only a manifestation of another disease. If the primary disease is cured or controlled, hypertension has a high chance of disappearing naturally. There are many primary diseases that can cause secondary hypertension, including endocrine diseases such as thyroid, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland, renal parenchymal diseases, renal artery diseases, aortic diseases, blood system diseases, and obstructive sleep apnea Syndrome and other heterogeneous causes. Finally, it is worth mentioning that many drugs can raise blood pressure, and hypertension secondary to drugs should be eliminated at the earliest.

High blood pressure is not exclusive to adults

3. Children also get high blood pressure

 Little baby until the child's hypertension occurs very early, and prevention and treatment should also keep up, and it must be "especially early"! In people of this age, secondary is more common, and secondary hypertension is characterized by a significant increase in blood pressure, and even symptoms of hypertension can be the first manifestation. Some children also have the manifestations of the corresponding primary disease. But none are specific. For example, young babies may have pale complexion, restlessness, feeding difficulties, hyperhidrosis, susceptibility, growth retardation, etc., older people may complain of dizziness, headache, palpitations, nausea and other discomforts, and severe cases may cause vomiting and blurred vision Even convulsions and other hypertensive crisis manifestations! For them, the most common primary disease is often chronic kidney disease and congenital abnormal renal vascular development, followed by coarctation of the aorta, pheochromocytoma, hypercortisol syndrome, hyperthyroidism, obstructive apnea Syndromes, connective tissue diseases and drug factors. Once there are signs, see a doctor immediately to confirm; once confirmed, start treatment immediately!

4. Teenagers can also get high blood pressure

 Most adolescents have primary hypertension, with insidious onset, slow development, mild to moderately elevated blood pressure, and usually subclinical manifestations, which are often found only through physical examination, and are easily missed. This part of high blood pressure is mainly caused by factors such as mental stress, overweight and obesity, and hyperlipidemia. Nowadays, children love to eat fried foods and drink sugary drinks, and they are scary when they eat and drink in large amounts. Obese children are more and more common. This is precisely the seeds of high blood pressure in adolescence. At the same time, work pressure has been scary since adolescence, and it is also an important inducement for the occurrence of hypertension.

 Special attention is needed. If there is a family history of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, type 1 diabetes, a history of chronic kidney disease, Kawasaki disease, congenital heart disease, a history of heart transplantation and tumors, this part of the population is prone to fat Metabolism disorders and high blood pressure have led to a significant increase in the incidence of atherosclerosis. Early and close monitoring of blood lipids and blood pressure is required.

5. About prevention and treatment

 Regarding prevention and treatment, the general rule is one sentence: low-salt, low-fat and low-sugar diet, reasonable exercise, reduce mental stress, and rational use of medicine. For secondary hypertension, the primary disease must be treated actively! Essential hypertension, once diagnosed, should be treated comprehensively with lifestyle changes and a combination of drugs, neither of which should be neglected.

 If someone tells you: "How can young people have high blood pressure, no matter how unhealthy their lives are, they can still carry it!" This is the fearlessness of the ignorant, please share this article with him.

    Now you know that, except for secondary hypertension, the vast majority of essential hypertension require life-long maintenance medication, and the side effects can be controlled to a minimum with a reasonable drug choice, which is far less than the clinical benefit. If someone tells you: "Take my medicine for high blood pressure, you can cure the root of the disease, stop using medicine, and completely cure it!". Well, this guy must be a liar!

 Having said that, the editor wants to remind everyone that if you have high blood pressure, you must go to a regular hospital for treatment and follow the doctor's prescription. Don't believe in the remedies!

Source: Dr. Ding Xiang Author: Di Guangyao