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World Health Day | A guide to avoiding health misunderstandings
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-10-13

October 13 is "World Health Day". To commemorate the approval day of the Constitution of the World Health Organization, the First World Health Assembly decided that October 13 each year is "World Health Day." Remind people: pay attention to life and care for health.

The editor summarized some misunderstandings in daily health care, come to Kangkang!

Myth 1: Eating vitamins or other supplements can help your health

In fact, it is not necessarily. We do need vitamins to maintain health. But if you can maintain a balanced and healthy diet, your daily diet can meet the various vitamins needed by the human body without relying on nutritional supplements.

In addition, excessive supplementation of certain vitamins may even be harmful to health. For example, vitamin A, excessive intake may cause chronic poisoning.

The right approach: Consult a nutritionist, formulate a reasonable and balanced meal plan and implement it.

Myth 2: Cannot eat snacks during weight loss

Snacks are not the enemy of weight loss-eating junk food uncontrollably is!

In fact, if the interval between meals is long, eating some snacks is helpful. This can maintain blood sugar levels and prevent you from overeating at the next meal due to excessive hunger.

The right approach: If you can't eat for the next 3 to 4 hours, you can prepare some healthy snacks, such as yogurt, apples, and small nuts.

Myth 3: Stay away from fat, because you will get fat if you eat it

The right amount of fat can promote digestion, regulate blood sugar and hormone levels, while also producing a feeling of fullness and maintaining energy.

We should not ban fats in our diet, but choose to eat the right fats. What to avoid is certain processed foods that contain a lot of saturated fat and trans fatty acids.

The right approach: Everyone has different nutritional needs. But in general, 55%-65% of the daily energy intake should be derived from carbohydrates, 20%-30% derived from fat, and 10%-15% derived from protein.

The easiest way to identify healthy fats is to choose fats that are naturally present in healthy foods, such as avocado, coconut, eggs, and nuts.

Myth 4: Carbohydrates are not good for health, it is best not to eat

Wrong wrong wrong! If you plan to reduce unhealthy carbohydrates in your diet, such as white bread made from refined white flour, this is fine. But if you don't eat carbohydrates at all, it will seriously damage your health.

Carbohydrates are the main source of human energy. If you don't eat carbohydrates at all, your body can only get energy from stored fat and protein, and you will feel dizzy and nauseous.

As long as you control it in a reasonable amount and choose the right type, carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet.

The right approach: Even if you want to lose weight on a low-carb diet, you should consume at least 50 g of carbohydrates every day. Potatoes, miscellaneous beans, and whole grains are all good sources of carbohydrates.

Myth 5: Wear more when cooling down, or you will get sick

Although parents or relatives have said similar things countless times since childhood, in fact, this method of "isolating" oneself from the external environment through clothes has nothing to do with colds or flu.

The reason for this illusion may be that people often cough or catch a cold in winter, so many people think that if they get cold, they will catch a cold.

But this is not the case. To some extent, it is because of the cold weather that people prefer to gather indoors. The enclosed environment and the air is not circulated. This situation is more likely to spread cold viruses.

The correct approach: Of course, when the weather changes, we still have to add or remove clothes appropriately. But if you are worried that the temperature will get colder and you will catch a cold easily, instead of worrying about clothes that are not thick enough, you should pay more attention to methods such as hand washing to prevent the spread of germs.

Myth 6: Pain is effective when exercising

I don't know since when the phrase "pain is effective" has been regarded as truth by more and more fitness professionals.

99.99% of people exercise, not for Olympic champions. Therefore, there is no need to push yourself to the limit in every exercise. Moreover, ignoring the pain and continuing to "do your best" may cause serious sports injuries.

The correct approach: It is generally believed that 85% of the physical limit is the best exercise state. If you find that your body feels extremely tired after each exercise, and you still feel unwell even a week later, this may mean a sports injury, and you should seek medical examination in time.

Myth 7: Uncomfortable? Take some vitamin C

In addition to bringing a little psychological comfort, taking vitamin C tablets when you are sick will not help.

The correct approach: Pay attention to exercise in your daily life to improve your immunity, and don't wait until you are sick to hold your feet.

Improving immunity is not something that can be done overnight. It requires a healthy diet, regular exercise, and perseverance.

Myth 8: Drink 8 glasses of water every day

It is good to add enough water every day. However, everyone has different water needs, and behind the rule of 8 glasses of water a day, there is no rigorous scientific experiment support.

How could an athlete who sweats like rain on a football field and a white-collar worker working in an air-conditioned room drink the same volume of water?

The correct approach: How much water you want to drink every day should be judged according to your own circumstances.

A simple indicator is the color of urine. The proper amount of drinking water should make the urine appear transparent and colorless or light yellow.

Myth 9: Vegetarianism is the king of health

In fact, a diet that does not eat meat may also be unhealthy. No matter what kind of diet, junk food should be avoided.

Moreover, not eating meat does not mean that you will automatically become slim. Vegetables have low calories, but excessive starch or foods with high fat content can easily grow meat.

The right approach: If you plan to try vegetarianism, it is recommended to consult some experienced vegetarians to develop a reasonable and nutritious diet plan.