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International Day for the Blind. Focus on health of eyesight
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-10-15

The International Day for the Blind, also known as the White Cane Festival, was determined by the World Blind Organization at the Riyadh Conference in 1984. The conference selects October 15th each year as the International Day for the Blind. A total of 348 representatives from 80 countries and regions participated in this conference. The World Blind Union is an international unified organization for the blind, established in 1984. In 2013, it had more than 140 member states. China is one of the member states, and the former China Association for the Blind and Deaf is one of the founders of the International League.

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 40 to 45 million blind people in the world. Low vision is three times that of blind people, about 140 million people, of which 75%, or more than 100 million patients, can restore or improve vision through surgery and refractive correction. 25% of low vision patients need low vision care, such as wearing vision aids and vision rehabilitation equipment.

Our country conducted a survey of visual disability in the 1980s. The results show that there are nearly 13 million people with visual disabilities in my country, of which about 5.5 million are blind and about 7.5 million have low vision. The main causes of blindness and low vision in children under the age of 14 are congenital hereditary eye diseases, such as congenital cataracts, congenital microcornea, retinitis pigmentosa, albinism, and optic nerve atrophy. Cataract is the main cause of blindness or low vision in people over 60.

Vision is so important to us, the editor summarizes 4 exercise methods to protect eyesight, let’s learn!

1. Blink method

Choose a quiet place, sit or stand, relax your whole body, clear up distracting thoughts, open your eyes, keep your head and neck still, and roll your eyes alone. First stare directly below, slowly turn to the left, then turn to directly above the gaze, to the right, and finally back to directly below the gaze, so that first turn clockwise 9 times. Then let your eyes turn from below, to the right, to the top, to the left, and back to the bottom, so that they turn counterclockwise 6 times. Do it 4 times in total. Every time you turn, the eyeball should reach the limit as much as possible. This method of turning the eyes can exercise eye muscles, improve nutrition, make the eyes flexible and bright.

Second, the eye breathing method

Choose a place with fresh air, sit or stand, relax the whole body, look straight ahead with both eyes, slowly inhale your feet, your eyes widen, pause for a while, and then slowly breathe out, your eyes will be closed slowly, continuously Do it 9 times.

Three, ironing method

This method is best done by sitting, relaxing your whole body, closing your eyes, and then quickly rubbing your palms with each other to make them hot. Cover your eyes with your hands while the heat is hot. After the heat dissipates, your hands are suddenly removed, and both eyes are opened at the same time. , So 3 to 5 times, can promote the blood circulation of the eyes and increase metabolism.

Four, eyewash method

After disinfecting the washbasin, pour in warm water, adjust the water temperature, put your face in the water, open your eyes in the water, move the eyeballs up and down 9 times, and then rotate clockwise and counterclockwise 9 times. At first, the water enters the eyes, and the eyes are very uncomfortable, but as the eyeballs turn, the eyes will gradually feel very comfortable. If you have difficulty breathing while doing this, you might as well lift your face from the basin and take a deep breath outside. This method can wash away harmful substances and dust in the eyes, is also effective for mild cataracts, and can improve the refractive errors of astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia.