Strengthen the construction of echelon and explore the new trend of image
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-09-17

   In order to strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging, and comprehensively improve the professional level of imaging practitioners, especially the level of tumor imaging diagnosis, treatment and operation, the "third cancer imaging Summit Forum" jointly sponsored by the radiology department of the first hospital of Lanzhou University and Chengdu high tech Medical Association from September 4 to 5, 2020, was carried out by combining online and offline methods About 150 people will.


    The meeting was opened by Lei Junqiang, director of the first hospital of Lanzhou University. Two sub venues were set up for the conference: the tumor imaging forum and the nursing imaging forum. Professor Sun Haoran, Professor Yin Liang and Professor Zhang Yaping of the second hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Professor Wang Ying of the second hospital of Lanzhou University, Huang Gang and Cao Jianxun of Gansu Provincial People's hospital were invited to attend the meeting Mr. Gou GuiGui, Professor Zhang Jing of the second hospital of Lanzhou University, Professor Yang Laihu of Gansu maternal and child health hospital, Professor Zhang Xiaohua of Gansu Cancer Hospital, Li Xiaodan of Zhangye Second People's Hospital, Jia Yonggeng of Jiuquan people's Hospital, Zhao Guosheng of Linxia people's Hospital, Wang Chenxia and Gao Jinxia of Gansu Provincial People's Hospital, and affiliated doctors of Gansu University of traditional Chinese medicine Mr. Tao Xiaojing and other experts and professors in the field of imaging brought wonderful lectures.

1604305232201819.png1604305245545599.png    The conference showed a wealth of imaging cases and the application of multiple new technologies, strengthened academic exchanges between clinical medical staff, helped to improve the level of imaging pathological diagnosis and nursing of tumor diseases, and promoted the development of tumor imaging.