Strengthen image communication and improve the level of diagnosis and treatment
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-10-12

   In order to strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging, comprehensively improve the professional level of imaging practitioners, especially the level of imaging diagnosis, treatment and operation of technical nurses in examination. Jointly sponsored by radiologists branch of Gansu Provincial Medical Association and Chengdu high tech Medical Association, the abdominal radiography special session was held on October 10, 2020 by means of online and offline combination, attracting more than 100 participants.

1604305992871996.jpg    The meeting was presided over by Professor Huang Gang of Gansu Provincial People's hospital. Professor Yang Zhenghan of Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Professor Lei Junqiang of the first hospital of Lanzhou University, Zhang Jing of the second hospital of Lanzhou University, ran Yawei of Baiyin first people's Hospital and Li Yanjun of Dingxi second people's hospital were invited to focus on t1w1 signal analysis and image interpretation of liver and obstructive jaundice Special lectures were presented, including imaging evaluation of liver rare and atypical tumors, imaging diagnosis of periampullary carcinoma and related cases.

1604306030947947.png    The training meeting will strengthen the academic exchanges between clinical medical staff, and will help to improve the clinical imaging pathological diagnosis and promote the development of imaging cause.