Select excellent team and strive for the honor of competition
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-11-02

     Sponsored by the Bureau of education, culture, health and health of Chengdu high tech Zone and undertaken by Chengdu high tech Medical Association, the 2020 high tech Zone grassroots TCM appropriate technology skills competition was successfully held in the clinical skills training center of Chengdu first people's Hospital on October 16. The competition was presided over by Dong Xiaoli, director of Rehabilitation Department of Chengdu first people's Hospital, Comrade He Yan and Zhu Lingxi of education, culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu high tech Zone, AI he, Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu high tech Medical Association, pan Chang, director of Rehabilitation Department of Chengdu Shuangliu traditional Chinese medicine hospital and Luo Zhen of acupuncture school (Sichuan acupuncture school), Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine National teacher, director of Baiyang and director Chen Xin of the first people's Hospital of Chengdu served as the judges of the competition. A total of 32 contestants from primary medical institutions in the district participated in the selection.


    The competition is graded and selected by experts and judges according to the basic theory expression and actual operation of the contestants. The purpose of the competition is to promote training and learning through competition, to strengthen the promotion of appropriate technology projects of traditional Chinese medicine in the jurisdiction, and to improve the service ability of traditional Chinese medicine in primary medical and health institutions.

   After a fair, open and fair selection, Zhang Dan of Shiyang Community Health Service   Center won the first prize of acupuncture technology individual, Li Jianjun and Yang Shaoqing won the second prize of individual acupuncture technology, Yao Lingling of Xiaojiahe community health service center, Li Siyuan of Fangcao community health service center, and Chen Li of Zhonghe community Health Service Center won the third prize of individual acupuncture and moxibustion technology; and cooperative community health service Cao Wei of the center won the first prize of individual massage technique; Chen Lei of Xiaojiahe community health service center; Wang Qin of Zhonghe community health service center; Li Siyuan and Wang Li of Fangcao community health service center; and Yang Dulin of Guixi community health service center.


   At the award ceremony, the experts and judges gave all-round comments on the selection competition, and awarded honorary certificates to the winning units and individuals. At the same time, through this selection, according to the comprehensive level assessment of the experts, the competition team is composed of the top three individual scores of acupuncture technology and six top three individual performance of massage technology, representing the high tech Zone to participate in the 2020 Chengdu basic level TCM appropriate technology skills competition. At the same time, in order to strengthen the players' professional knowledge, on October 19, Li Rui, teacher of acupuncture and moxibustion School of Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine and Luo Zhenguo, teacher of acupuncture School of Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of traditional Chinese medicine, were invited to train the contestants again, striving to achieve excellent results in the municipal competition.