Sharing clinical experience to improve the concept of treatment
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-10-22
  • In order to improve the low awareness of CKD-MBD and the low treatment rate, focus on the academic frontier and treatment of dialysis, and further explain the standardized treatment concept of CKD-MBD. Chengdu high-tech Medical Association on October 19,2020 Online CKD-MBD case sharing session, a total of more than 100 professional and technical personnel to attract learning to watch.

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  • The meeting, chaired by Professor Li Jijun of the 301 Military Hospital, also brought five key points to share on standard treatment of CKD-MBD, professor Zhang Dong of the 301 Military Hospital, Professor Bao Wenhan of the Third Hospital of Peking University, Professor Zhao Haidan of Shougang Hospital of Peking University, Professor Xiao Jing of Pinggu District Hospital and Professor Li Shaomei of the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University were invited as guest lecturers.

  • With the rapid development of medical technology, diagnostic and treatment methods and therapeutic drugs, conferences based on academic exchanges should be carried out more often to share experiences, learn and progress together through academic exchanges, benefits for more patients with CKD-MBD.