"Ferryman" in the epidemic woven dense epidemic protection net
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-12-18

——Guixi CHC Medical Assistance Team, Chengdu High-tech Zone

On December 7th, 2020, a case of new coronary pneumonia in Pidu District affected the hearts of the people in the city. On the morning of the 8th, the party branch of Guixi Community Health Service Center in Chengdu High-tech Zone attached great importance to it, and organized the deployment of personnel in departments to overcome the shortage of personnel, and promptly dispatched the first batch of "Guixi Aid" composed of 16 samplers. "Medical team" rushed to assist Pidu District to carry out nucleic acid testing and sampling work. Subsequently, the center successively dispatched the second, third, fourth, and fifth batches of sampling personnel. In the cold and windy night, the responsibilities of the staff involved in the sampling made it possible to stick to their posts day and night, and fight for this without gun smoke. "On the battlefield", used practical actions to interpret the dedication of medical staff to "let a family for everyone". The cold wind cannot blow away their will, and they firmly believe that the strength of the team is irresistible.


"Birthday" was originally a special day. It was supposed to be a warm time to gather with relatives and friends, just because "work needs me", the anti-epidemic pioneer and "ferryman" Zhang Zhongrong, like countless other medical workers, resolutely abandoned his family The time of friends reunion, bravely advancing without fear of hardship. In order for Comrade Zhang Zhongrong to spend an unforgettable birthday, the Central Labor Union prepared a special and simple birthday gift for him-exquisite cake, and gave him the most plain birthday wishes, wishing all the "retrogrades" return safely.

In the past few days, Comrade Zhang Zhongrong is on standby 24 hours a day. As long as he receives a task, he will provide the safest and fastest way to provide the best quality service to frontline personnel and quarantine observers in the safest and fastest way, whether day or night. It is precisely because of these life “ferrymen” who shuttle between hospital and hospital day and night, between the viewpoint and the hospital, busy transporting them on wheels, on stretchers, and in wheelchairs, that weave a strict picture for the residents. They use their persistence in their posts to strengthen their determination to win the battle against the new crown pneumonia epidemic.