"Hearers" behind the epidemic
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-12-18

——The Laboratory Department of the Hospital of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is taking action against the epidemic

In the face of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, in this invisible battlefield of prevention and control, in addition to medical staff, there are also such a group of people who have "zero-distance contact" with the virus day and night. The differential diagnosis of every patient is inseparable from their hard work. They face the virus and fight close to the virus. They are willing to be the frontline investigators of the anti-epidemic frontline. They treat the laboratory as the battlefield, regardless of the risk of infection, and fight the virus again and again." Close contact" provides scientific and effective reports for the treatment of the epidemic-they are the laboratory doctors.


Race against time to overcome difficulties

The Department of Laboratory Medicine of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is a modern medical laboratory integrating clinical laboratory, biochemical laboratory, immunological laboratory, chemiluminescent laboratory, microbiological laboratory and many other disciplines. After receiving instructions from the higher-level health authorities in October 2020 that the second-level hospitals must establish PCR laboratories (nucleic acid testing laboratories), the hospital was highly concerned, and Dean Xu Jingjing personally deployed the laboratory to an unprecedented level. the height of. From the establishment of the PCR laboratory, the laboratory has become a well-deserved vanguard of epidemic prevention and control.


Laboratory before construction


Laboratory after completion

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control are the responsibility. As the director of the department, Li Wei did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately started to take action, leading the comrades of the department to work overtime together, and formulate a PCR laboratory preparation plan with the hospital's Department of Psychology, Logistics and Medical Affairs, including process design, project development, and instrument installation Commissioning, information system docking, material preparation, staff pre-job training, etc., and participate in the entire construction of the laboratory.

With the support of the school and various functional departments, the laboratory infrastructure construction took only 20 days from the start to completion, and the equipment was quickly put in place a week later. After less than 40 days of intensive construction, the hospital has overcome numerous difficulties, despite the tight schedule, heavy tasks and high demands. However, the people of Chengdian Hospital work closely together, all steps are intertwined, through layers of customs, race against time, which reflects Chengdian Hospital's professionalism and efficiency.

In the end, the Nucleic Acid Testing Laboratory of the University of Electronic Science and Technology Hospital passed the preliminary evaluation and acceptance of the disease control experts in the High-tech Zone, and passed the on-site acceptance by the Chengdu disease control experts a week later, and was designated as a designated medical institution for nucleic acid testing in Chengdu by the Chengdu Municipal Health Commission. Currently, there are 141 designated institutions in Chengdu, and the University of Electronic Science and Technology Hospital is the only university hospital.


Hospital PCR Laboratory Accepts Preliminary Evaluation from Disease Control Experts in Chengdu High-tech Zone


Hospital PCR laboratory accepts final evaluation from Chengdu disease control experts

The "unsung hero" behind the epidemic prevention and control

In the entire nucleic acid detection process, nucleic acid extraction is the most critical and dangerous link, and the detection personnel will also be in close contact with the virus in this process. "The specimens we tested are mainly from the respiratory secretions of patients. If the operation is improper and the preventive measures are not in place, the aerosol particles generated during the operation may enter the human body through the respiratory tract, or attach to the surface of clothes or even the skin, and then Expand the scope of contamination. Some special specimens, such as extracting viral nucleic acid from sputum, are sometimes not easy to extract smoothly and require repeated processing to succeed." Dr. Liu Yong said.


The new type of coronavirus is extremely contagious, and its transmission is mainly through the air and contact methods. Therefore, corresponding protection must be taken. During the operation, all actions must be strictly followed. Dr. Liu Yong told reporters that the samples sent for testing every day are scattered in time, and the testing time is up to 5-7 hours. Before each test, the laboratory must be thoroughly disinfected, and the personnel on duty must wear corresponding protective clothing; from the beginning of receiving the specimens, inactivation, verification, classification, layout, and packaging, and then enter the complicated nucleic acid extraction process. The daily workload has increased from the initial tens of specimens to the current two to three hundred. The pressure of work can be imagined.

"Due to the recent rapid increase in the amount of nucleic acid testing specimens and the nervousness of the laboratory staff, everyone needs to extend their working hours. Teacher Liu Yong is always on call, and has never complained, and has taken the hospital as his home." Li Wei I was deeply moved by the selflessness and dedication of my big brother.

"Everyone is responsible for the fight against the epidemic. At this time, it can reflect the value of our testing! Besides, I am the eldest brother of the girls in our department. When it is difficult, I must first rush up." Dr. Liu Yong said affirmatively.


“One man is the gate”

As the laboratory that provides the basis for the diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia, it is undoubtedly the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. With the fighting spirit of "one man is the one who is in charge, one man is not open", the people in the laboratory of Chengdian Hospital are focused on the virus and go all out to provide accurate test results for the clinical frontline. Although they are not on the front line, they are better than on the front line. They are not afraid of the virus. During the "epidemic" of the new crown pneumonia war, the hospital laboratory staff showed extraordinary determination and fighting spirit. Since the outbreak in Pixian on December 7th, in just one week, the laboratory has completed nearly a thousand specimens.


Li Wei leads the PCR team of the Laboratory Department to actively explore and study how to improve the efficiency and quality of virus detection and better apply it in clinical practice. She said: "As a mother, I am not afraid that being infected is fake, but as a professional tester, my mission is heavy. I can’t help but hesitate a little bit, and I’m still the head of the department. I should charge more. before."

In the test, the inspector needs to take biosafety level three personal protection. Wearing such protective equipment needs to work continuously in the laboratory for more than ten hours or even longer. They cannot drink water or go to the toilet, which is both mental and physical. A great test, but the inspectors of our hospital carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship, not afraid of tiredness, the more difficult and dangerous, the more forward, and successfully completed the daily inspection tasks.

Dean Xu Jingjing said with emotion: "At the critical moment of the pandemic, the spirit of daring to fight tough battles and fighting for victory demonstrated by our medical, medical technology, and nursing staff is the most precious heirloom passed down by the people of Chengdian Hospital for three generations!"


This pneumonia epidemic has made people aware of the work of the laboratory. They silently and firmly provide clinical reference data, but the story behind each test specimen contains the hard work and hard work of the examiner. Facing this group of "unsung heroes", it is more worthy of our gratitude.

In the "war epidemic" of the new crown pneumonia that is invisible to gunsmoke, these loyal inspectors know that only with seriousness and hard work, only with due diligence, can we win this war without gunsmoke, and we are not ashamed of this. Body in white clothes, worthy of the trust of teachers, students, patients and people!