Notice of Chengdu High and New Medical Association on the convening of the fifth work Supervision Meeting of the first session, the General Meeting of the Executive Directors and the general meeting of all members
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-01-06

Member, Director and Executive Director Units:

In hi-tech zone in 2019 under the leadership of the club business bureau and WeiJian place, in each of the member units, the governing units, the support of standing director unit, learn to be able to develop steadily, all work to seriously sum up experience, analyze problems, comprehensively promote the each work smoothly in 2020, the chengdu hi-tech medical association is scheduled for January 10th, 2020 (Friday) held the first session of the fifth work supervision, standing directors and all members of congress. The relevant matters of the meeting are hereby notified as follows:

I. Participants, time and place:

(1) The Supervisory meeting and the Executive Council

Participants: supervisor, representative of executive director unit, vice president (vice president), president (director), head of the Secretariat of the Society, director of academic organization. Chengdu hi-tech Zone community governance and social undertakings bureau of leadership, health department leadership was invited to attend the meeting.

Check-in time: 12:30-13:00

Meeting time: 13:00-13:55

Venue: Small conference room on the 2nd floor of Medical Association (No. 65, Xinyi West Street, High-tech Zone)

(2) General meeting of all members' representatives

Participants: member representative, member unit representative, academic organization director, supervisor, director unit representative, executive director unit representative, vice president (vice president), president (director), Chengdu hi-tech zone community management and social institutions bureau leadership, health department leadership

Check-in time: 13:30-14:00

Meeting time: 14:00-15:00

Venue: Conference Room, 2 / F, Medical Association (No. 65, Xinyi West Street, High-tech Zone)

Ii. Meeting Contents:

(1) To examine the rename report of the High-tech Medical Association;

2. Deliberating the work report of the fifth Plenary Session of the NPC entitled "Stay True to Your original aspiration and Forge ahead to Boost the development of healthy high-tech industries and high-quality Industries!" ;

(III) Review the 2019 financial Performance report of the Medical Association.

(4) To deliberate on amendments:

1. Administrative Measures on Academic Organization of High-tech Medical Association;

2. Rules for the Administration of Academic Organization of High-tech Medical Association;

3. Administrative Measures for Academic Activities of High-tech Medical Association;

4. Management Measures for Scientific Research Projects of High-tech Medical Association;

5. Financial Reimbursement System;

6. Measures for the Management of Academic Funds.

5. Commend the advanced collectives and advanced individuals in 2019.

(6) Speeches by leaders.

Iii. Meeting Requirements:

1. Representatives of participating members should arrange their time and attend the meeting on time;

2. Directors, executive directors and vice presidents (vice chairmen) must attend;

3. Participants are requested to attend in formal dress.

Iv. Contact Information:

Contact person: Zhou Juqiao Tel: 18190955543

Contact email:

Participants please send the receipt to the designated email address before January 8th, 2020.

Attachment: receipt from the participants of the 5th work Supervision Meeting of the first session of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, the Executive Council meeting and all member representatives Meeting

Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Medical Association

January 4th, 2019

The 5th Work Supervision Meeting of the first Session of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association,

General meeting of executive directors and representative meeting of all members

Receipt from participants






Please send the receipt form to before January 8th, 2020