The recommended list of advanced collectives and advanced individuals in the health care industry of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone in 2019 will be published
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-01-07

The recommended list of advanced collectives and advanced individuals in the health care industry of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone in 2019 will be published

Medical institutions in the Hi-tech Zone:

In accordance with the spirit of the Notice on the Selection and Commendation of Advanced Collectives and Advanced Individuals in the Health care Industry of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone in 2019, a total of 137 recommended materials were received. The Medical Association verified the submitted materials according to the "2019 Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Advanced Collective and Advanced Individual Evaluation and Rating Criteria" and reported them to The Social Affairs Bureau of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone for the record, and formed the recommended list for the fifth session of the general Assembly of members. The publication is hereby made public.

Public notice period: 7th January 2020 solstice, 9th January 2020 18:00 hours

Surveillance Department tel :028-85339089

Medical Association tel :028-69990152

Address: No. 65, Xinyi West Street, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone

Everyone is welcome to reflect the public through written, oral, telephone and other means, in virtue, ability, performance, labor and other aspects of the problem, or do not meet the selection criteria. After receiving the report, we will investigate and verify the situation. Please supervise

Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

January 7th, 2020