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Forge ahead and bravely take responsibility, pursue a new journey of dreams
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-02-19

——Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association holds 2020 commendation meeting


On the morning of February 8th, 2021, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held the 2020 commendation meeting in a small meeting room. The conference was presided over by Zhou Jueqiao, Minister of Membership and Organization Management Services.



(Minister Zhou Jueqiao presided over the meeting)

The deputy secretary-general of the society Aihe gave a briefing on the performance appraisal in 2020; Xie Yi, deputy secretary of the society branch, announced the list of advanced individuals for 2020; Director Yang Qiang of the office worked on the prevention and control of the Spring Festival epidemic and on-duty work arrangements for all members of the society.



(Advanced personal photo)

Finally, Secretary-General Zeng Bin of the Society summarized the commendation meeting and sent New Year’s blessings to all members of the Society. At the same time, it introduced the development vision and mission of the society by taking the overview of the construction and development of Chengdu High-tech Zone as an example. It is hoped that the colleagues of the society will forge ahead in the 14th Five-Year Plan and take the responsibility for the 2035 long-term goal, and pursue a new journey of dreams.


(Secretary-General Zeng Bin's concluding remarks)
