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The party branch of Hi-tech Medical Association organized a delegation to carry out themed party day activities in Jianchuan Museum
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-03-10

In order to further enhance the fighting power and cohesion of the party organization of the society, constantly enhance ideals and beliefs, and strengthen the sense of responsibility, on March 8th, the party branch of the society organized all the party members, cadres, workers and representatives of the party organization of some member units of the society to go to Dayi county jianchuan museum to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "learning history and understanding thoughts".


Under the guidance of the narrator, the comrades cherish esteeming mood, in turn, visited the Chinese veterans handprints square, positive venues, rhubarb anti-japanese pavilion, strong man sculpture plaza branch in China, the rare and precious cultural relics during the Anti-Japanese War, on-site interpretation, view through the ear, to review the advanced deeds of revolutionary martyrs in deadlock, strengthened our patriotism and national pride. Although the war has long since been extinguished and the smoke of war has dissipated, history should not be forgotten and national humiliation should be remembered. We are deeply aware that today's peaceful and prosperous time is not hard-won, and we are even more determined to follow the Party forever.


After the visit, the comrades also had a joint communication forum. Through the visit and study, all Party members and the masses were deeply educated and encouraged, which strengthened their original aspiration and tempered their Party spirit. All of them expressed that they would inherit the great anti-Japanese spirit and fine tradition of the Chinese nation, firmly believe in and work in a solid way, actively contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of Gaoxin health industry, and celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements.
