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Review the revolutionary trip │ witness the new style of Xiao Jin, study the history of the Party, understand the thought, and walk with the banner high
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-05-27


The Red Army climbed the snow-capped mountains across the meadows

Xiaojin County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, is the most tragic place where the Chinese Workers and Peasants' Red Army climbed the snow mountains and crossed the grassland on the long March. There are many red gene education resources in the county. Inheriting the spirit of the Long March and holding firm to ideals and beliefs is of great significance to the development of health undertakings in the new era.

To this end, Biological Industry Experts Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone and Chengdu High-tech Medical Association jointly held the activity of "Inherits the Spirit of the Long March and Contributes to the Health of Sichuan". Under the guidance of the Long March spirit, many activities have been carried out, such as studying the history of the Party, conducting free medical consultations, conducting academic exchanges, popularizing science, providing assistance to specialized departments, building a national fitness system, and visiting the Long March Memorial Hall. Help the development of health care in old revolutionary base areas, revitalize the community, and put health first.

We are walking on the main road


Brisk walking ceremony

After completing several important work in the morning, the expert team came to xiaojin County Rose Base to carry out the "Inheritance of the Long March spirit, Contribute to the health of Sichuan, jointly write the chapter of rural revitalization, retaking the Long March road walking launch ceremony", retaking the Long March road, feeling the hardships and determination of martyrs.

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And marched with the flag high

2021 will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), so we hope that through this event, we can further inherit the spirit of the Red Revolution, encourage medical workers to be loyal to the CPC, follow the CPC, make contributions based on their positions, and strive to provide high-quality health services to the people in the new era and the New Long March.

Second, witness the new style of Xiao Jin

Jinshan Rose base is an important project of xiaojin county's poverty alleviation, Dawei Town, Maoshui village is a village under jinshan. Now, because of growing roses here, Chen Wanghui, secretary of the Party branch of Maoshui Village, is also known as "sister rose". According to Chen, after hard exploration in the early stage, the model of "company + cooperative + base + peasant household + market" was established in 2012 to help villagers out of poverty. At present, the rose planting area has reached more than 13,000 mu.


Planting roses is only to alleviate poverty, but in order to revitalize the countryside and lead everyone to a well-off society, we must do the deep processing of roses and increase the added value of the products.

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Visit the processing workshop

In an activity, Wang Li, a doctoral supervisor of West China Hospital of Sichuan University and director of national (Chengdu) New Drug Safety Evaluation Center, learned that the farmers in Maoshui village wanted to do deep processing of roses, and immediately expressed her willingness to provide related technical support free of charge. Under the leadership of Professor Wang Li's team, using the permeability and antioxidant properties of rose essential oil, we developed a series of cosmetics with rose as the core, and gave these technologies to the local people for free.

"Our technical assistance to xiaojin county's rose industry will continue, and we plan to develop edible rose products such as rose capsules. Technical assistance is only one thing. We hope to cooperate with relevant departments of xiaojin County government to make the rose industry bigger and stronger, and finally realize the revitalization of xiaojin county countryside." "Wang said.

Now xiaojin county has been out of poverty, earth-shaking changes have taken place, is toward the revitalization of the rural road forward!

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Flowers and well-off coexistence

 visit red relics

When the Red Army had crossed the Jiajin Mountain in Xiaojin County, the first red army and the fourth red army finally met in Dawei, and held an important meeting, xiaojin County was recorded in the great history of the Chinese revolution. Wang Li, president of the Biological Industry Experts Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone, said that by visiting the red Army relics and listening to the red Army stories, everyone in the team got a spiritual baptism, and more understood the hard-won life, and the happiness from the heart is particularly strong.

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Listen to the Red Story

Xiao Jin formerly known as MAO Gong, June 18, 1935, MAO Zedong and other central leaders over the Jiajinshan arrived after MAO Gong, and here and the Red four front army officially met, known as "MAO Gong met" history. The site of the "fun-club" is actually a Catholic church in the east of Government Street, Mei-hing town, which was organized and built by The French missionary She Lian-ho in 1919.

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The old site of the Red Army MAO Gong Reunion

In the end, zeng Bin, secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, led everyone to renew the oath of joining the Party in the square where the Red Army met, and read out the oath of joining the Party. Everyone more realized the special significance of the three characters of the Communist Party.


Review the party oath


Group photo