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【Unite as one to fight the epidemic】Party members took charge of nucleic acid testing in the sealed area again
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-08-10

On August 10th a new round of nucleic acid tests came

  In order to further implement the epidemic prevention and control measures, effectively block the spread of disease spread quickly, chengdu high-tech zone on August 10th, about six o 'clock in the morning, led by the communist party of China (chengdu first people's hospital medical department party branch committee, led the party members and the medical staff of 64, completed before 6 PM, and seal the centralization to test a new round of nucleic acids.


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  This nucleic acid test was mainly carried out in the lock-in areas, and four collection sites were set up, including Lesongju in Shengxing Community, with a target population of about 20,000 people.

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  Residents (city) in the area came to the nucleic acid testing site early, lined up in an orderly manner, and actively cooperated to complete the nucleic acid testing work.

Party members charge ahead!

Brave the dangers of fighting the epidemic!

The whole people actively cooperate!

Embrace a better tomorrow!