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Letter of sympathy to all doctors in Chengdu High-tech Zone
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-08-18

Letter of sympathy to all doctors in Chengdu High-tech Zone

Doctors in the region:

  Doctor is a noble and sacred occupation, health is linked to life. On the occasion of the fourth Chinese Doctor's Day, the Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of High-tech Zone would like to extend holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to all the doctors in the region! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your outstanding contribution to ensuring the life, health and safety of the people in the district. I would like to express my high respect to the family members of doctors who silently support medical and health undertakings for a long time.

  The year 2021 marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and a crucial year for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and embarking on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects. "Without universal health, there will be no well-off society in all respects." All along, the doctors and medical workers in the district bear in mind the sacred mission of healing the wounded and saving the dying. They work tirelessly, diligently and selflessly, and devote their youth, ideals, wisdom and sweat to the medical cause. The benevolence, great love and health, dedicated to the patients; With noble sentiments and excellent character, they have created immortal monuments of life and held up the hope of life with strong faith. They have made positive contributions to promoting people's health and promoting the long-term development of medical and health care. It is because of generations of physicians with noble medical ethics, superb medical skills and excellent service like you that the medical and health undertakings in our district have won the trust and support from all walks of life and the masses of the people, and developed vigorously today.

  On July 27th, chengdu confirmed COVID-19 cases, and the city instantly switched to the anti-epidemic mode. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Working Committee of the Management Committee, the medical workers in the high-tech Zone, wearing white coats and marching against the tide, have done their best in epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment with the lofty spirit of "saving lives, healing the wounded, dedication, and great love" and the belief of victory, rigorous attitude and scientific method. On August 11th, the high-tech zone was downgraded to a low-risk area. You deserve to be the loveliest people in the new era! Bureau Party members thank you! The whole district people thank you!

  The Times of Hua Chapter, always in the struggle to write! Look to the future! Hope that the broad masses of medical workers closely unite around the party central committee with comrade xi as the core, and further enhance the consciousness of "four", firm "four confidence", "two maintenance", don't forget to beginner's mind, keep in mind the mission, in order to consummate medical skill, noble medical ethics, good education, to continue the guardian of the people's health, health, high new drivers, the healer kung practitioners, We will forge ahead in the development of health care in the new era.

  I wish all doctors and medical workers in the region a happy holiday, good health, a happy family and good luck!

Chengdu High-tech Zone Education, Culture and Health Bureau

August 18th, 2021