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The 4th Chinese physicians to vigorously carry forward
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-08-19

  On August 19th, 2021, is the fourth section, Chinese physicians to vigorously carry forward "JingYou life, heal the wounded and rescue the dying, dedicated, love without borders" the great spirit, fully embody the value of your work and pride in the fine traditional style of inspiring the broad masses of medical workers to, to fight dedication, challenge in the new era health undertaking development endeavor, to go on. Organized by education, Culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone and organized by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, the celebration of the fourth "Chinese Doctor Festival" was carried out smoothly in Chengdu High-tech District Library.

  From representatives of various medical institutions participated in the event that the chengdu high-tech zone education culture and health bureau deputy director zhang jing, chengdu high-tech zone commissioner of education culture and health bureau WeiJian Feng Ge, chengdu high-tech medical association secretary-general Zeng Bin attend, this activity by the chengdu high-tech zone culture and health education bureau Wu Bosheng chair.


  The theme of this physicians' Festival is "Build a dream together for a hundred years of Birthday, and doctors take responsibility to fulfill their original aspiration". At the beginning of the activity, Deputy director Zhang Jing, on behalf of the Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of The High-tech Zone, read a letter of sympathy to all doctors in Chengdu High-tech Zone, which reflected the affirmation and gratitude of the bureau party group for the hard work of the angels in white.


(Speech by Deputy Director Zhang Jing)

  Zhang Jing said that this year's Doctor's Day is of special significance as it coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the past 100 years, generations of medical workers under the leadership of the CPC have fulfilled their original mission and made great contributions to the prosperity and prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation and the happiness of the people. After a tidal wave of COVID-19 and a deadly battle with the Novel Coronavirus, the angels in white have their day.

  In combating the outbreak, the smokeless battle of the broad masses of medical workers actively respond to xi jinping, general secretary and to the call of the party central committee, a white and a retrograde war, brave to rush in the first line treatment, prevention and control of epidemic racing with time, and the disease, and yan yan, fine and thin to do a good job in the prevention and control of Medical workers have interpreted the responsibility of angels in white with their practical actions, written countless touching stories of battles, and produced a large number of honorable and amiable heroes, making great contributions to the epidemic prevention and control work of the city, the province and even the whole country. It shows the noble spirit of respecting life and being willing to offer.

  Later, vice Director Zhang Jing, Director Feng Ge and secretary General Zeng Bin awarded certificates to 56 medical workers from 30 medical institutions. Representatives of the two award-winning doctors made speeches respectively.


(Deputy Director Zhang Jing awarded the certificate to the representative of "Excellent Anti-epidemic Doctor")


(Director Feng Ge awarded the certificate to the representative of "Excellent Anti-epidemic Doctor")


(Secretary General Zeng Bin awarded the certificate to the representatives of "Excellent Anti-EPIDEMIC Doctors")

Once upon a time, the duty of protecting people's health line was remote and abstract in many people's minds. However, when we really saw the back of carrying armor in white and going against the direction of war, this clear respect has been deeply depicted in everyone's heart.


(Speech by Dr. Zhang Haihong, a doctor awarded by Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital)


(Speech by Doctor Zhang Guan of Fangcao Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone)


(Group photo)

We sincerely say to every doctor, "You in white, happy holidays!