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Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Party branch party history study education thematic organization will be carried out successfully
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-08-25

  On August 24th, the Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held a special meeting on party history study and education. The meeting was presided over by Xie Yi, deputy secretary of the branch. A total of 48 party members, probationary party members and mass representatives attended the meeting.


  In order to better lead the intra-party life of the two new party organizations under the new situation, the Party branch of High-tech Medical Association actively explored and innovated, combined with the current epidemic prevention and control and the fact that the party members of the branch are relatively scattered, adopted the mode of online + offline meeting to ensure that all party members and mass representatives of the branch attend the meeting at the same time.


  At the meeting, Zeng Bin, secretary of the party branch, delivered a special lecture on party history to all party members entitled "China faced great challenges and Difficult Choices in the 1990s", explaining in simple terms the most difficult years that the CPC led the people through in the 1990s, calling on them to remain true to their original aspiration, seek truth from facts and carry out reform and opening up to the end. 1633744624268819.jpg



  Xie Yi, on behalf of the party branch committee, reported to party members on the party building work in the past six months, especially on the study and education of party history, and notified the Party branch committee to examine the problems. At the meeting, party representatives also around the "study party history, understanding ideas, do practical work, open a new bureau" this theme exchange experience, accept ideological education together. Subsequently, all party members closely related to their work, life and ideological reality to review the problem, and one by one to carry out criticism and self-criticism, so as to be honest, honest to meet each other, seeking truth from facts, to achieve the organization of life out of the "spicy", red face sweating effect.

  At last, Comrade Zeng Bin pointed out that the meeting closely followed the theme, had clear objectives and achieved good results. I hope that in the next step of our work, we will continue to correct our work attitude, promote the study and education of Party history in an all-round way, and put what we have said in words and written on paper into concrete actions, so that the people are truly satisfied.