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Sichuan health party history tour exhibition activities in Xiaojiahe street successfully concluded
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-08-26

Inheriting red gene serves people's health

  In the past hundred years, under the guidance of the great banner of the Party, sichuan Health workers have taken people's health as their responsibility, gone through an extraordinary development course and made great historical achievements. Sichuan's century-old vicissitudes are a vivid epitome of the CPC's suffering and glorious history, as well as the eventful years of sichuan's health workers.


  From July 19th, 2021 to August 22nd, 2021, the Party Branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, with the full support and guidance of Xiao Jiahe Party Working Committee, XiaoJiaHe community health service center in chengdu high-tech zone, chengdu high-tech zone, the new north high-tech bo force hospital community health service center, chengdu, chengdu, chengdu XiaoJiaHe high-tech tong love hospital of traditional Chinese medicine characteristic street and other medical institutions to carry out the "red inheritance gene, the people's health service" as the theme of the sichuan health party history tour ".

  With "the early founding of the", "the first and second revolution war", "comprehensive" during the Anti-Japanese War, "war of liberation period", "the first three decades after the founding of the", "thirty-five years since the reform and opening up" and "new era characteristic socialism period" and so on seven important time node as the context, in the form of words and pictures, It shows the in-depth reform and development of sichuan's health from the initial stage of the founding of the Party in 1921 to the new era, and tells the outstanding contributions made by Sichuan people to the party's health cause in the past 100 years.

Chengdu High-tech Zone Xiaojiahe Community Health Service Center

  The party branch of the center organizes staff to study the health development history of Sichuan province, and learn about the glorious years when sichuan health workers, under the leadership of the Great banner of the Party, took people's health as their own responsibility, worked hard and forged ahead. To encourage the staff of the center to keep the oath of medical students, to participate in the prevention and control of COVID-19 with more firm determination and high morale, and to contribute to the health cause of the motherland!

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Chengdu High-tech Zone Xinbei Community Health Service Center

  The center organized medical staff and community residents to visit and learn the health history of Sichuan, which brought medical staff and residents closer, understood the changes of sichuan's health in the past century, and deeply felt the responsibility and mission of medical staff on their shoulders. Determined in the future work, wholeheartedly for the people's health cause dedicated quality service, truly make patients satisfied, let the people rest assured.

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Chengdu high-tech Boli Hospital

  "These touching stories include the brilliant achievements of health units in participating in national governance and urban development, as well as the silently hard work of health workers in protecting public health safety in Sichuan, promoting the construction of healthy Sichuan and serving the health and well-being of the people." The doctors in the Exhibition area of Boli Hospital talked about the vivid chapters of the history of sichuan Health Party, making the medical staff of the hospital understand that generations of Sichuan medical practitioners have been conscientious, fearless of hardships and difficulties and the spirit of continuous struggle and the mark of The Times during the century of health reform and change.

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Chengdu high-tech Tongai Hospital

  In the exhibition area of high-tech Tongai Hospital, Director Liu, who has been engaged in medical work for more than 30 years, studied the century-old changes of the history of Sichuan Health Party with the medical staff of the hospital. On the one hand, the exhibition aims to make the medical staff understand the history, stay true to their original aspiration, take people's health as their responsibility, and make firm determination to continue to contribute to the health cause of the motherland in the future. On the other hand, hospital patients and their families are guided to understand the century-old changes in the history of Sichuan Health Party, to understand the original aspiration and mission of medical staff, and to promote a more harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

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Chengdu Xiaojiahe Traditional Chinese medicine street

  Since the launch of the "Street to Street" exhibition, the medical staff have distributed publicity materials, explained the health history of Sichuan face to face with the residents, and learned the health history of Sichuan together with the residents of the district. Meanwhile, the prevention measures and prevention knowledge of common diseases have been publicized, and the epidemic prevention and control work has been combined. Guide local residents to develop good hygiene habits and healthy lifestyles.

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  Reviewing the century-old party history of Sichuan health, we are encouraged to stick to our duty and mission and continue to forge ahead. Narrowing the distance between medical staff and residents plays a good role in promoting doctor-patient harmony and cooperation.

  "Sichuan health history of the party" tour "is an ideological mobilization, work deployment and strength together, adhere to the" people first Important life first "concept, with a single spark can start a prairie fire, light up more dream, for the coagulation hearts meet force increase health service security, to promote positive contribution to the development of sichuan health career high quality power.