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Special speech of General -- The Party Working Committee of Health System of Chengdu High-tech Zone successfully held a special speech on the spirit of July 1
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-09-15

  At 14:00 on September 14th, the special lecture on the spirit of "July 1st" speech was held as scheduled in the academic lecture hall of Sichuan Eye Hospital, sponsored by the Party Working Committee of Health system of Chengdu High-tech Zone, undertaken by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and co-organized by Sichuan Eye Hospital. General Zeng Xiangyuan, who was on the Platform of Tian 'anmen on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, Professor Liu Dongmei, Dean of the School of Marxism of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Zhong Yan, Secretary of The Logistics Party Branch of Shangjin, will be invited to make speeches and exchanges. More than 40 medical institutions of the high-tech Zone health system, more than 120 representatives attended the event, including more than 30 of the two new medical institutions. The online live broadcast was watched by more than 1,000 people.


General Zeng Xiangyuan


  General Zeng Xiangyuan with his performance in "July 1" festival of experiences, to revisit the jinping general secretary "July 1" important speech spirit, combined with their own feelings about the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China held opening ceremony is not easy, it's not easy to establish and consolidate the sublime faith, the establishment of the communist party of China and can achieve power is not easy. At the same time, we are called on to strengthen the "four awareness", strengthen the "four confidence", achieve the "two safeguard", for the Great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation of the Chinese dream, continue to work hard, forge ahead!

Professor Liu Dongmei


  Professor Liu Dongmei used years of rich accumulation and professional knowledge, from the scientific theoretical guidance, firm ideals and beliefs, strong organizational advantages, solid mass foundation, thorough self-revolution and other five aspects to explain why the CPC can? ! And firmly believe that as long as we maintain our tireless spirit and indomitable attitude of struggle, our century-old party will surely play an even more magnificent music of national rejuvenation in the course of history.

Zhong Yan secretary


  Zhong Yan secretary for guidance, in the spirit of "July 1" speech from the party construction of how to integrate business development, build a strong fighting forts, etc., to communicate the basic party WeiJian industry work experience, points out that the grassroots medical institutions and medical workers to strengthen the party leading, adhering to the JingYou life, heal the wounded and rescue the dying, dedicated, love without lofty spirit, do people's satisfaction of hospital, Strive to realize the Chinese dream of health for all!

Activity summarized

  At the meeting, the two party representatives also conducted a learning exchange speech.

  Li Peng, deputy director of human Resources Department of Education, Culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, made a summary speech, saying that the publicity activity was very successful. Not only is the organization well organized, but the lectures by three experts are wonderful and the preaching effect is also very unusual. I hope that when we study the spirit of the Important speech and the history of the Party, first of all, we should go deeper, learn the original text, learn the original work, and push the study further. Second, we must go to the heart, study party history, understand ideas, do practical things, open new bureau, truly aware of the responsibilities and obligations of party members, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Third, we need to work toward reality. Against the special background of the epidemic, the health care system bears important responsibilities and missions. I hope you can draw strength from the spirit of the July 1 speech and the study and education of the Party's history, turn it into enthusiasm and motivation for work, and make new contributions to the development of GaOXIN's health cause.


  Finally, all the participants in the offline activity took a group photo.
