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Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the People's Republic of China -- the voice of the Commandos of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association in the fight against the epidemic
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-10-12

    In order to strengthen the contingent construction of the party members' commandos and give further play to the exemplary vanguard role of the party members, on October 10,2022, at 14:00 in the New Taipei City Community Health Service Center, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech medical association held a “Welcome to the 20th National Congress, six outstanding representatives of the party members commando anti-epidemic took part in the event. In the face of the upcoming 20th Congress, they received recognition at the same time, but also revealed their own voice.


    Party member assault team 1 Wu Jiayun: a few years ago, because of taking care of my sick mother, I left my beloved medical work, also regretfully missed the opportunity to support Wuhan in 2020. When the epidemic came again, and it happened right next to me. This time, as a party member and a medical worker, I must be put to the test. When picked up the hand of the throat swab, I found the sense of mission and belonging.


    Party member assault team 2 Yue Wang Shuang: from the moment I stepped into my post, I knew as a party member that I should take the lead, play a leading role and walk in front of the team. I have only done my duty as a party member, and tens of thousands of party members and comrades have been working day and night on the front line. It is our joint efforts that have led to the final victory of this crucial battle for the prevention and control of the epidemic.


    Xu Min, party member commando team 3: I am a foreigner who has come to Chengdu for 3 years. Because of this epidemic, I am familiar with the streets and communities of the high-tech zone for the first time, and I know the lovely Chengdu people once again. Your every cooperation, every thank you, have given me great encouragement, but also let me once again feel the warmth of the city of Chengdu. I believe that the future of Chengdu, will be more beautiful!



 Party members raided 4 teams you zhen:I am a party member and a medical student. The epidemic is the order, the prevention and control is the responsibility, charging ahead is the sacred mission given to our youth by the times. This precious experience strengthened my belief in the ideals of communism. In the future, I will not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, learn new ideas, strive to be a new youth, for the cause of health care to contribute their own strength.


    Party member assault team 5 Kang Xiaolong: under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the joint efforts of all, we finally achieved the victory of the war epidemic. As a party member, I am proud and aware of my responsibilities. It is the duty of our medical workers to guard people's life and health. I will shoulder this sacred mission with more firm belief.


  Long Guiying, leader of party member assault team 6:As the Southern District of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association nucleic acid sampling recruitment class coordination, and other medical staff can not fight in the front line of sampling, but the guard“Fireworks Chengdu” eager mood is the same. During the epidemic, I have a deep sense of what is the mission on the shoulders, the responsibility engraved in the heart, each experience will be my motivation to move forward.


    During the epidemic, tens of thousands of party members fought on the front line day and night through the stars and the Moon. They fully played an exemplary role as pioneers and united the people of Chengdu to lead them to win the Arduous Battle of prevention and control of the epidemic. They greet the opening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with an unremitting spirit and a Walk the Line attitude of struggle!