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Welcome to the 20th Congress · I am in charge of Shu Xingchuan——The party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association held a Theme Party Day
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-10-10

    Since receiving the nucleic acid sampling support mission of the Health Bureau of the high-tech zone on July 25, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association has successively set up six commandos of party members and Young Pioneers in order to give full play to the leading role of party members, fighting the epidemic. In order to strengthen team building, set up a model, and do a good job in branch development, to further sing the main theme, gather positive energy, and welcome the party's 20th National Congress to be held successfully, on October 10,2022, at 14:00 in the conference room on the 4th floor of the New Taipei City Community Health Service Center, the branch held a party building event entitled “Welcome to the 20th Congress. The event was attended by nearly 50 members from the party branch of the high-tech Medical Association, the Secretariat staff of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, the representatives of the party members' Commandos and the Young Pioneers, and the representatives of the member units of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association.


    The activity first develops the reserve party member. The target of development, Comrade Xin Juan, gave a detailed report on her understanding of the party, her motivation for joining the party, and her work and living conditions. After being introduced by the party's introduction person, as well as discussion and voting by the party members of the branch, finally, a branch conference resolution was formed to develop Xin Juan as a reserve party member. Then, under the leadership of Secretary Zeng Bin, all the participants reviewed the oath of party membership.


    Subsequently, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association commended 20 party members, commandos and Young Pioneers who had performed outstanding work in the Prevention and control of the epidemic, fully affirming their support work in nucleic acid sampling, the spirit of taking the lead, rising to difficulties, taking the initiative and leading the charge. The Chengdu high-tech Medical Association commended 10 advanced member units of Epidemic Prevention and control propaganda, thanking them for creating a good public opinion atmosphere during the epidemic, it provides a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual motive force for the final victory of epidemic prevention and control.


    After the recognition, a symposium with the participation of all participants was held. Party members, Commandos, Young Pioneers and representatives of member units all shared their stories and insights in the process of fighting the epidemic. In the face of the upcoming 20th Congress, we all agreed to a better state of mind to continue to make positive contributions to the high-tech zone medical and health undertakings.


    After the symposium, Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Party branch secretary, secretary-general Zeng Bin made a summary speech. He first expressed his gratitude to all the personnel who participated in the nucleic acid sampling support work of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association. He thanked them for braving difficulties and going against the grain, going through the stars and the moon, going through all kinds of hardships, accomplished the task given by the Superior Department. He stressed that the epidemic prevention and control of this string can not be relaxed at any time, he hoped that the party members commandos and Young Pioneers continue to play a pioneer role, and jointly guard the hard-won victory. At the same time, I hope that every party member and pioneer member will not forget their original intention, keep in mind their mission, and continue to struggle without bearing heavy responsibilities. Full of confidence, never slacken spirit and Walk the Line struggle attitude to meet the party's 20th National Congress held!


    Finally, all the participants took a group photo as a souvenir.