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Thank you for being with me all the way——A letter to all members of the nucleic acid sampling support team of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-28

Dear nucleic acid sampling support team member:

    From the scorching sun to the autumn wind, from the scorching sun to the autumn rain, the epidemic situation, affecting people's hearts. Hard Times, you choose to wear white, reverse the line, the name written on the back, the responsibility carved in the heart. This epidemic, this road is difficult, thank you for having you.

    Thank you for stepping up in times of crisis. When you see the call of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, you do not hesitate to give up the opportunity to accompany your family, the first time in the nucleic acid sampling support recruitment. You told the children at play to be obedient, you told the elderly at home, to take good care of the body. Finally, in the city when the silence, you go out against the autumn wind.

    Thank you for stepping up in difficult times. For the early morning sampling, you set off in the dark, and you were always at the rally point ahead of time; you never complained, no matter what time, no matter what station you were assigned to; you always stayed at your post in obscurity, even if the sun and wind, even if questioned; you will also be proactive, in the collection system when the public mood to calm down, when the need to send a sampling service to the door.

    Thank you for following me along the way. You always pay attention to recruitment information, every day you were not absent from the sampling; party members commandos, Young Pioneers have been established, you actively join the team, as a party member of strict requirements of their own identity; 41 days, 31,189 person-times, more than 30 million person-times of nucleic acid sampling, each data are bound to your understanding and support, courage and perseverance. There are thousands of you, we finally ushered in the epidemic after the rain.

    Although the new zero, prevention and control should continue. In the future, we will walk side by side! Epidemic Prevention and control into the normal phase, party members commandos, Young Pioneers need you to continue to charge ahead. Full nucleic acid, convenient sampling, looking forward to see you again. Let us continue to work hand in hand, cut through obstacles, to protect this hard-won victory!


                                                                                                              Party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association   

                                                                                                                                                                     September 28,2022