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Behind the war epidemic, is again and again“Two-way rush”——Anti-epidemic documentary of party members of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association(Three)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-27

    Autumn wind blowing autumn emotion, autumn rain continuous autumn thick. She Yan Qiu-hong, crab fat chrysanthemum yellow,The people of Chengdu finally beat back the epidemic again during the autumn equinox.Behind this plague of war,Is a day-to-day dauntless adhere to, is a scene of watch and help, but also a“Two-way rush”.


    At the turn of summer and autumn, Furong is all over the city.The Joy of the harvest and the promise of the new semester were blocked by the epidemic.A Touch of familiar white, once again filled the streets, filled with community buildings.In the eyes of children, they are“Big white”, but also“Angels in white”.They build up a line of defense with the body, become the guardian of health. In the medical staff heroic retrograde at the same time, the children also use their own way to express their love.Nucleic acid collection process, Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Party Branch member Commandos received gifts from children. Xiao Yifan, who put the picture on the sampling table and ran away, followed her parents to send the picture to the medical staff. .They may not be good at the expression of words, but every stroke, every touch of color, are their“Angel in white” love.


    There is love in the Moon and love in the world.On the day of the mid-autumn Festival, members of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association received flowers and festive greetings from residents of the Shangjin Summer Palace community in West Park.At the Foxconn sampling site, each sampling team member who sampled the employees received their own mooncake gift boxes and certificates of honor.In the Chinese holidays, warmth and affection are never absent.



    Gifts inspire people to move forward, words are the most heart-warming.“You have worked hard”“Thank you”“It's not easy for you”“You must take care of your health”,The usual words of thanks are always ringing in the ears of the nucleic acid sampling staff.A simple greeting not only contains understanding and support for the anti-epidemic work, but also is the best stimulant for the long-term high-intensity combat medical personnel.


    The epidemic in Chengdu has not only speed, but also temperature.Frontline staff day and night, the care and love of the general public, a“Two-way rush”, and finally let us in the ginkgo yellow late autumn to welcome back the happiness of fireworks in Chengdu!