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Give up the small family to take care of everyone——Anti-epidemic documentary of party members of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association(Two)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-20

    Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association has established a 31-person“Nucleic acid sampling support team recruitment service class”.The sports and professional classes carry forward the spirit of giving up one's family and caring for everyone, Unity and cooperation, and hard struggle. The party members and comrades fully exert the exemplary role of the party members to lead the way and guide the young comrades to actively move closer to the party branches.In the face of lack of resources and experience, we firmly believe that“Way is always more difficult than” through mutual learning and discussion, continuous consensus-building and process optimization, efficient completion of a difficult task.


Is the backbone, but also a solid backing

    Zeng bin, Secretary of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, is also the commander-in-chief and chief coordinator of the nucleic acid sampling recruitment service class. Since the class was established on July 25, he has stayed at his post and taken charge of the command, fight on the front line with all comrades.“8 · 25” during the epidemic, he and everyone eat, live and fight together. From the morning light to the night more quiet, from communication with the higher authorities to personally go to the assembly point check-in situation, from spiritual encouragement to physical care, from work to life, no matter what.He is the backbone, but also a solid backing for everyone.


Mom, when are you coming home?”

    Long Guiying is the deputy leader of party member assault team 6 and the Southern District Coordinator of the recruitment squad. She is also the mother of two children.Since the establishment of the special class, she has hardly slept a sound sleep, from the docking with the higher authorities, assignment of tasks, to the recruitment of sampling personnel, check-in, and after the end of the sampling home safely, any part of the problem, she will need to coordinate to deal with.In the epidemic situation is extremely serious, recruitment work is increasingly difficult.She is not afraid of difficulties, nor is she afraid of pressure. She is only afraid of what the child on the other end of the phone says: Mom, when are you coming home?


A race against time

    Zhou Jueqiao, who is in charge of coordinating the recruitment of special classes in the Western District, is the leader of the party member assault team 6.Dealing with unexpected problems, attending meetings, dividing tasks, summarizing work, working groups at 3 a.m. , check-in points at 6 a.m. , and temporary office points at 9 a.m, always can see her busy figure and has been non-stop mobile phone ring.After a long struggle, “Round-the-clock” became her habit, and a few minutes of video calls with her family every day was a rare time for her to relax.One second let the family do not worry, the next second again into the intense work.


Make a choice by action

    On the one hand, the intense recruitment work required a centralized office, and on the other, the young children and the sick father needed to be taken care of. This should have been a difficult problem for Teng Jianjiao, the leader of the party member assault team 1.But she did not hesitate to leave the family in the care of her mother, the first time back to the team, with the fight together.She said that as a party member, at a critical moment must stand up, top, live up to the trust of the organization, not afraid of the test of the epidemic.In the face of the difficult problem, she gave the answer by action.


We'll make up for it when we get back

    Li Zhiyuan was a member of the party member assault team 6. She was the team leader of the financial audit team of the Special Squad. In addition to staying up all night every day with the team members to audit the information of the sampling personnel, she would also often step in when the recruitment team was short of manpower, appears at the sampler check-in point.Neither she nor her husband could return home because of the outbreak. Video call, the children will always ask, why other children can have a mother and father to do nucleic acid... .Whenever this time, she will feel the debt to the child, but as a party member, she knows that only when everyone is safe, there is a small family reunion.


    There are many comrades like them who fought on the“Epidemic” line. During the epidemic, they overcame many difficulties, and with the insistence of their families, they persevered and took on heavy responsibilities with their ordinary bodies, with perseverance and courage to jointly build up the masses of the health line of Defense!