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The“Epidemic” of war under the party's banner——Anti-epidemic documentary of party members of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association(one)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-19

    On September 6, at a critical moment in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association set up six Commandos of party members mainly composed of professional technicians in nucleic acid sampling, more than 120 party members in the anti-epidemic front left their shadow. They take the initiative to act, lead by demonstration, rise to the challenge and serve the masses, emerging a scene of touching deeds.

 Making up in retrograde

    Wu Jiayun, a nurse with seven years of clinical experience, left her beloved medical post to take care of her mother with terminal lung cancer.In 2019, the outbreak of covid-19, if not quit, she was also one of the first to support Wuhan, this regret has been in her heart. This time, she did not hesitate to sign up for the first time to participate in the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association branch nucleic acid sampling support work, and became a member of the party commando.After many years, picked up the hands of the throat swab, again to join the ranks of medical work, she in the retrograde, to make up for the regret.


Riding in the dark

    Yue Wang Shuang is a party member of Strike Team 2. He is present in the nucleic acid samples almost every day during the outbreak.He was one of the first to arrive at every gathering. The allocation of points, is also the initiative to choose other people do not want to go to the place.In the early hours of September 2, he and his companions were stranded at the nucleic acid sampling site because of the shutdown of public transportation. In order not to cause trouble for the staff and volunteers, he asked community workers and drivers who were transporting medical workers to escort more needed comrades home, while he rode the shared bike alone for 20 kilometers, i didn't get home until 4:00 in the morning.


Responsibility in the war epidemic

    Wherever there is a need.As a party member of Strike Team 3 and a medical staff member, Zhang Xueqin devoted himself to nucleic acid sampling as soon as the outbreak came.Regardless of the location near and far, regardless of the time of day and night, she will be on time in the sampling line. What changes is the working time and the place, what does not change is the responsibility. Stick to the spot, door-to-door sampling, as long as there is a need, you can see her figure.


A growing responsibilit

    The member of party assault team 4 is really a medical student. He is a good helper in the eyes of the captain, is the teammate of the“Old Good Man”.During shifts, he would let others rest and hold his own.He would wait until after 1 A. M. for a specimen, and for the last resident to be examined.Learning about the new nucleic acid sampling system, he offered to go to each site with community workers.Taking the initiative is his own request, willing to help others is the feeling he brings to others.


Holding on in the rain

   “Be proactive and clean.”. This is the teammate to the party member assault 5 team member Tang Wenjuan's evaluation.Chengdu high-tech Medical Association has been participating in the work of the nucleic acid sampling support team of the party branch of her, see the establishment of the party members Commando News, the first time signed up.As a commando, she shouldered her responsibilities with perseverance. She took the initiative to work with community workers to calm people down after a breakdown in the nucleic acid sampling system and residents queued up in heavy rain.Its spirit also infected the teammates, we stick together until the wee hours of the morning, the end of the day's sampling work.


    From the scorching sun to the howling autumn wind, from the Thousand Lotus Fighting Yan to Dan Gui fragrance.In this crucial battle for the prevention and control of the epidemic, the party members and comrades of the Commandos took the initiative to shoulder the arduous task by facing up to the difficulties and standing up for them, leaving the difficulties to themselves and the convenience to others.In the youth of sweat, in the wind and rain constantly forward!