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Persistent persistence, selfless dedication——Party members commando character series (Pu Yongping)
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-14

   A good work is not difficult, it is difficult to pay unremitting year after year.The most valuable is perseverance, the most noble and selfless is dedication.As a party member, Pu Yongping, unknown deep ploughing voluntary service, with persistent persistence and selfless dedication, the implementation of the original mission, abide by the oath Zheng Zheng.


   Pu Yongping is a volunteer and a veteran of the assault team, a member of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association.Eight years in the army have made him a persistent character.After retiring from the army, Pu Yongping went to the power company to become an electrical worker.It was then that he began to volunteer in his spare time.He followed the rescue team to participate in the Wenchuan County earthquake, Jiuzhaigou Valley earthquake and other rescue, Any Time, Any Place, he always remember the party member status, charge ahead.


    He followed the rescue team to participate in the Wenchuan County earthquake, Jiuzhaigou Valley earthquake and other rescue, Any Time, Any Place, he always remember the party member status, charge ahead.He volunteered to join the volunteer team, transport medical staff, transport anti-epidemic supplies, as long as there is a need for him to do anything.For more than two years, Pu Yongping has always insisted on voluntary service. When there was no epidemic, he drove an ambulance at a community health service center for free.When the outbreak came, he will be in the hands of the steering wheel, shuttle in the first line of the epidemic prevention and control.


    In July 2022, a new outbreak broke out in Chengdu. Pu was responsible for transporting and transporting the quarantine personnel. During that time, he was an electrical worker by day, and at night, he became“Big white”, shuttling between the Xiaojiahe Street and the Quarantine Hotel in the high-tech zone.Too late to rest, “8.25” epidemic, Pu Yongping once again went to the front line of anti-epidemic. This time, he was responsible for transporting the medical staff who sampled every day.He was on the road from 5 a. m. To 11 P. M.


    At first, it was arranged by the community. After getting to know the medical staff, everyone trusted him and contacted him directly.In the eyes of the medical staff, Pu Yongping is a living map, no matter where to go, no matter when, a phone call, he can quickly and safely send everyone to the designated location. Even when it was time for him to take turns, he would get in his car and be the first to show up where he was needed.'the medical staff are working very hard, ' he said. 'If they make two more trips, they can go home and rest earlier' .



    “I just did what a communist should do.”He took the praise he received from everyone as motivation to move forward.Under his influence, his college-educated daughter became an anti-epidemic volunteer.In the future, he says, he will continue to volunteer and go where there is a need.