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Youth and the new crown, on the mid-autumn Festival reunion
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-10

    He knows that the dews tonight will be frost. ...How much brighter the moonlight is at home!In this city full of hibiscus, Guixiang intoxicating season, we ushered in the traditional mid-autumn Festival.For the young comrades in the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, this mid-autumn Festival is destined to be very special.

    At 5:40 in the morning, the young comrades in charge of the western district nucleic acid sampling support team of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association set out at the first light of dawn.By 6:20 a.m. , when the first rays of morning light hit the room, they, who should have opened their eyes bleary-eyed, had checked in at their rally points and headed off to the various sampling sites.The comrades in charge of the Southern District did not want to be left behind either. After 6 o'clock, without even taking a sip of porridge, they hurried to the assembly point by taxi.The comrades have only one goal, to complete today's recruitment task of 1120 people.


    Over the past 10 days, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association has organized a 31-person“Nucleic acid sampling support team recruitment service class” in line with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control work.We have continuously worked around the clock, recruited more than 13,000 professional and technical personnel to support more than 100 sites of 7 community health service centers in the high-tech Zone, and completed more than 1 million person-times of nucleic acid sampling.In the anti-epidemic front, they also set up a nucleic acid sampling professional and technical personnel-based 5 party commandos, almost organized all can be organized forces.


    Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Party branch secretary, secretary-general of Comrade Zeng bin and young comrades have always been in the line, sleepless, all-night.Because of the epidemic, can only read, can not embrace. They could have woken up in the morning, turned around and looked at their family's still sleeping face. They hadn't been home for more than ten days;They can put down their work to play with their children, and can only make video calls with their children through the cold mobile phone;They were supposed to put down their cell phones in the middle of the night to go to sleep, but they were still reviewing data and recruiting nucleic acid sampling professionals.I didn't get a good night's sleep, but I didn't complain.


    Only the hard side show courage, love between lovers on the month. If there is no epidemic, they are also enjoying the mid-autumn Festival reunion time. On the coffee table there are early prepared moon cakes, the lover is preparing a hearty meal in the kitchen, the child is playing happily in the living room, the old man is watching the news on TV.But oneself, the corner of the mouth hangs the smile, enjoys this time quietly well.On weekdays, this seems normal. But in the midst of an epidemic, this is precious happiness for them.This kind of happiness is also the reason why they choose to stick to the front line all the time, with heroic retrograde in exchange for Glittering Days, with a small family separation in exchange for everyone's reunion.


    Boating hard against the water prop up, a pole loose Jin Chihiro retreat.Today was supposed to be a day of family reunion, but at present, Chengdu is anchoring the goal of social eradication, and pushing forward with all-out efforts to eliminate social eradication. Young comrades in the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association are determined to use the actual anti-epidemic campaign, to spend a“Gu everyone for the small family” special mid-autumn Festival.The energetic comrades believe that the future Chengdu will have a “Better flower and a fuller moon” after all the people have worked together and given their all fearlessly!
