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Persevere and continue to charge for victory!——The party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association held an emergency pledge meeting during the war
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-08

    Since the outbreak, all the staff of the Secretariat of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association have been working round the clock for more than 10 days, recruiting professional and technical personnel to support nucleic acid sampling in the high-tech zone.On September 8, at a critical juncture in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Chengdu, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association held an emergency war pledge meeting for all party members and party-joining activists in the Secretariat, in order to boost morale and continue to work hard to overcome difficulties, we call on all party members and comrades to continue to play an exemplary role as vanguard party members and to fulfill our mission by continuing to charge forward in order to win the crucial Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Control!

   At the beginning of the meeting, Xie Yi, deputy secretary of the party branch, fully affirmed that since August 25, all party members of the Secretariat have taken the lead in leading the charge and taken the initiative to take on the role.From the initial prevention and control of the epidemic to now, we have experienced the initial excitement, into the present fatigue, but also ushered in a period of struggle. I hope that all comrades buck up, adjust their state, with a new attitude, lead colleagues actively into a new round of fighting.For the early realization of the covid-19 epidemic situation in Chengdu to make positive contributions to an all-round social zero.


    Ai he, deputy secretary-general of the society, as a veteran party member, shared his personal experience of fighting back against Vietnam in self-defense, 1987 Daxing'Anling Wildfire, flood relief and earthquake relief, as well as the deeds of advanced party members, encourage every member of the Communist Party to stand up at a critical moment, demonstrate the quality of party members under the circumstances of continuous and high-intensity combat, maintain the party members' true colors, do not fear difficulties, and never flinch.

    Freya Lim, deputy secretary-general of the society, acknowledged the hard work of all comrades over the period. She drew on her own experience during the earthquake in Wenchuan County and encouraged all comrades to believe that all their hard work was worth it, the present experience will also be a valuable asset in life.The war against the epidemic is a war without any gunpowder. We must continue to be prepared for a protracted war. We must tighten our belts, raise our spirits, and set off again with a renewed spirit. Under the strong leadership of the party, we must keep up our momentum, to win the final victory in the battle against the epidemic.

After the sharing and mobilization of the three old party members, all the young party members and active members of the party have said that they will keep up their spirits, continue to persevere and stand up for themselves.With the confidence that he will win at the first call, the first battle, and the first battle, he will charge ahead, live up to the trust of the organization, give full play to the exemplary vanguard role of party members, and persevere in the end with firm conviction, to win the Battle of prevention and control of the epidemic together!

    Zeng bin, Secretary of the party branch, first of all fully explained why we should insist on the dynamic de-zeroing from three aspects: the cultural differences and games between China and the west, the rise of the eastern civilization and the decline of the western civilization, and the superiority of the socialist system over the capitalist system, let us further clarify the goal.He pointed out that we should unwaveringly adhere to the general policy of“Dynamic zero-clearing”, be firm in our determination to win, and adhere to the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the fine tradition of the Communist Party of China and the long-term formation of the anti-flood spirit, anti-earthquake spirit, fire-fighting spirit, anti-epidemic spirit, hard-working, charging ahead.Finally, he pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control situation is still serious and complex, is at the most critical stage, there is no room for slackening.Faced with an epidemic that has the greatest impact on our city and is the most difficult to prevent and control, all party members, comrades, still need to continue to persevere and give full play to the role of the party branch and the five party members' commandos, which mainly consist of professional technicians in nucleic acid sampling, lead the charge, put all our efforts into the action, and strive to achieve an early social face clean-up!


    Finally, under the leadership of Secretary Zeng Bin, all the participants reviewed the oath of party membership.