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Let the banner of the party commandos fly high in the front line of the anti-epidemic
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-09-06

       On  September 5, the epidemic situation in Chengdu was still serious. The municipal government issued a call to all citizens to“Persevere, Persevere, please persevere again”.In order to respond positively to the call and give full play to the leading role of the party building and the Vanguard and exemplary role of party members at the critical juncture of the anti-epidemic struggle, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association promptly convened a meeting, set up by the party members, party activists-based commandos of 5 party members, led more than 1180 nucleic acid sampling professionals, rushed to the front line of anti-epidemic.


    Inthe early morning of September 6, at the most critical moment of the outbreak prevention and control battle, the team flag of the commando team, a member of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, fluttered early at five nucleic acid sampling staff gathering points.At the launching ceremony, the commandos made mobilization, asking party members and regiment members to take the initiative to take on the role, continue to attack hard to overcome difficulties, blow the horn of the charge with high morale, charge forward with a heroic attitude!


   After the ceremony, the five teams quickly United States Public Health Service to the seven community centres. Under the Bright Red Banner, they are even more determined to win the faith. One by one, the party members' Vanguard Post logo was very eye-catching at the scene of nucleic acid collection. One by one, the commandos entered various communities in the high-tech zone to sample.They overcome the physical limits of continuous high-intensity combat, always hold the belief of victory, adhere to their posts, active, not only adhere to the centralized sampling point, but also take the initiative to apply for emergency yellow code personnel sampling.They are not afraid of danger, stand up and face difficulties, where there is a need, where is the position.They are the ties of the masses and organizations, practice the purpose, serve the masses, nucleic acid sampling services will be sent to the elderly mobility and disability and other special needs families.They lead by example and demonstration, and call on the medical workers around them to actively participate in the first line of anti-epidemic. They are the commandos, the moving fortress, the backbone of fortitude, the bridge of solidity, the model of the healer.


    On the first day of the expedition, the commandos led the nucleic acid sampling support team to accomplish the nucleic acid sampling support task, leaving a resolute figure at each nucleic acid sampling point in the high-tech zone.


    The epidemic test the initial intention, the banner shows the responsibility. In November, the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association was 2021 as an “Advanced grass-roots party organization” by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee for its role in the fight against the epidemic.Under the current circumstances, the branch will continue to remain true to its original purpose and keep its mission firmly in mind. Under the strong leadership of the party Central Committee and the provincial and municipal committees, it will lead all the commandos to work together, for the joint victory of the epidemic prevention and control of the war to continue to contribute to the force, let the party members Commando banner in the first line of high-flying anti-epidemic!
