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At one o'clock in the morning, they were still at their posts——The 5th Support Team of nucleic acid sampling of the party branch of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-08-05

    The epidemic has slowed the pace of the city, but the epidemic prevention workers are stepping up their efforts.At 1 a.m. , the working group of the fifth support team for nucleic acid sampling of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association was still scouring the screen non-stop. The group leader, Comrade Wei Lan, led the group members to still hold their posts in front of the screen, only to ensure the success of the next day's support mission!


    The 5th support team continued to sum up experience and cooperate with each other in the recruitment of reserve nucleic acid sampling professionals and technicians.Under the leadership of Wei Lan, the team leader, the four members effectively divided the work, improved the working methods, and shortened the time of check-in and queuing at the spot as much as possible, so that the nucleic acid samplers could reach each sampling point in the community with the fastest speed.

    At the same time, the team members take the form of time-sharing duty, from 6 am to 1 am, non-stop waiting for more than 10 recruitment wechat group, in time to understand the dynamics of the group, answer questions and solve practical problems.Every day no matter how late, comrade Wei Lan must confirm that the day to participate in the support of the nucleic acid sampling personnel all safe home, can rest at ease, the end of the day's work.


    August midsummer, the Sun, in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, the 5th support team, but the more the more brave.As of August 5, the 5th Support Team, under the leadership of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, has recruited more than 3,000 professional and technical personnel for nucleic acid sampling through online registration, and successfully support the high-tech District Community Health Service Center more than 1800 person-times, successfully completed the support tasks.