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Chengdu in the fireworks happiness, we guard together—— Anti-epidemic record of Academic Department of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-08-04

    The epidemic is the command, prevention and control is the responsibility to stop the epidemic without bystanders.In the busiest months of July and August, five comrades in the academic department actively responded to the call of the party branch of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association and actively took on the work of two recruitment groups, among them, academic minister Xin Juan as the 3rd recruitment team leader, he he as the 4th recruitment team leader.



    From July 15 to August 4, five comrades from the academic department, under the leadership of the party branch, fully played a pioneering and exemplary role, and organized a team to recruit a total of more than 3,500 reserve nucleic acid sampling professionals, more than 2,300 professional and technical personnel were sent to support the nucleic acid sampling work in community health service centers such as West Park, cooperation, neutralization, and Shiyang, and successfully completed various epidemic prevention and control support tasks.


    Only its difficulties show courage. In the face of heavy business work, the five comrades in the academic department did not lose sight of one thing or the other, but actively explored new working modes from beginning to end.The two team leaders have innovated their working methods by coordinating staff, rationalizing the division of labor, and combining online and offline operations. They have truly worked tirelessly to prevent and control the epidemic.


    During the critical period when the epidemic prevention and control work is in the“Boat against the current, advance or retreat,” they have no grand words or spectacular feats. Instead, they have only listened to orders and acted in the direction of the epidemic, with firm confidence, fight Day and night, for the prevention and control of the epidemic silently contribute their strength!


    Before the Rainbow, the wind and rain are the most urgent, the dawn is breaking, the night is the thickest.They are Chengdu people who love life, in the haze of the epidemic, and all together, United, only wish to welcome back the fireworks in the happiness of Chengdu!