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Captain's anti-epidemic diary——Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Party branch recruitment team 1 team leader Teng Jianjiao
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-08-01

    The hot weather increased the heat of Chengdu, late at night insects add a little restless.It's very hot today, and I feel hot in the evening. A knock on the door interrupted my work thoughts, mother every day at this time, come to take care of the young grandson.“You work, I'll take care of the little one,” said the mother.Looking at the back of the mother and the little guy reluctant to part face, a little bit sad!

    I am well aware that I am recruiting team leader, more party members, or sub-committee, this anti-epidemic task can not relax.


    Due to the rapid development of the epidemic in Chengdu, the daily demand for nucleic acid sampling professionals is very large, recruitment task is becoming more and more heavy, every day to recruit hundreds of people. The recruiters also started recruiting in the early hours of the morning, then gathered and led teams to various communities to support nucleic acid sampling, and continued to coordinate the next day's sampling personnel in the group late at night.Team members are very hard-working, very dedicated, and complementary bit, co-management of the sampling personnel more than 1000 people.Several players told me that they dream of recruiting at night.

     Today sent the sampling personnel to the community, ready to call it a day, and received tomorrow's emergency task. We Go Hungry, immediately release recruitment information, statistics, to ensure the successful completion of Tomorrow's task.When he was done, he had already missed his meal. One by one, he nibbled on his bread and drank his mineral water. “Who invented bread with white water? It's so talented!” He muttered.



    Still remember someone said: “After 90 children, are light and afraid of heavy, afraid of more work.”I want to ask how Nianqing can make a group of beautiful In the Mood for Love girls become soldiers, from early morning to late at night, three meals, not enough to eat, under the hot sun, some even heat stroke symptoms.

    The day before yesterday bestie said to me: “Thank you for your persistence, every hard-working to pay the anti-epidemic, Chengdu will remember, high-tech will remember, I will remember...”In fact, no matter whether others remember or not, as a glorious communist party member, we have no regrets, I wish the epidemic ended as soon as possible, safe and sound mountains and rivers, the world is safe!
