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The concentric fight against the epidemic is showing its charm——Record of epidemic prevention and control recruitment team of Party Branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-07-31

    In July 2022, the novel coronavirus returned, and the epidemic prevention and control situation in Chengdu was very serious.Go where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.In the face of the severe and complex epidemic situation, the Party branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held an emergency meeting on epidemic prevention and control, quickly made arrangements and deployments, and set up a recruitment team of epidemic prevention and control professionals. Party members of the branch and all staff of the secretariat devoted themselves to epidemic prevention and control work day and night.


Zeng Bin, Party branch secretary——React quickly and be proactive

    A party member is a flag, and a party emblem is a mirror.In the face of the epidemic, there is no better way to test the original mission of Party officials.On July 15, when local COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Chengdu, Zeng Bin, secretary of the Party Branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association unconditionally accepted the work arrangements of the epidemic prevention and control headquarters of the High-tech Zone and the superior departments, promptly convened a special meeting on epidemic prevention and control, launched the emergency plan for epidemic prevention and control of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, integrated resources, and set up a recruitment and reserve team of professional technical personnel for epidemic prevention and control. It was subdivided into a comprehensive coordination group, a logistics support group and five recruitment groups. The responsibilities of each group were defined, and the work tasks and recruitment reserve indicators were assigned.


    As of July 31, under the leadership of Zeng Bin, the recruitment team of the Party Branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association has recruited nearly 8,000 professional and technical personnel for nucleic acid sampling, among whom more than 4,000 are involved in nucleic acid testing.We have successively supported Guixi, Fangcao, Shiyang, Xiyuan, Cooperative Community Health Service Center and law enforcement team of Health Bureau of High-tech Zone, and successfully completed various recruitment and support tasks.


    Recruitment team general coordinator Zhou Juqiao——Take the initiative to take responsibility

Since the epidemic, Zhou Juqiao, Minister of Health Education Department of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and member of the Party branch, has taken the initiative to act as the general coordination of the recruitment team of the Party branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association in the early stage under the unified leadership of the Party organization.From July 22 to July 31, as a lesbian, she worked intensively for more than 10 days. She suffered from physical discomfort for several times, but she still stuck to her post without hesitation, from morning to night, from the office to the front line of the epidemic response... With her selfless work spirit, she interprets the original aspiration and mission of Communist Party members, and contributes to the prevention and control of the epidemic with practical actions.


Long Guiying——Go all out and do your job


    As the leader of the second recruitment team, Comrade Long Guiying, a member of the Communist Party of China, has been firmly nailed to her post like a nail since the start of the epidemic prevention and control campaign. She has led the whole team, bravely gnawing hard bones, and actively undertook heavier recruitment tasks. She has gone all out to fight in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, standing at the forefront, being the pioneer and setting an example.She was busy releasing recruitment information, registering staff and communicating with the community.


    "Party members should take the lead and play a pioneering and exemplary role," she asked herself, and took the lead in doing so.

Xin Juan——Both operational work and anti-epidemic recruitment


    There are no bystanders in fighting the epidemic. Xin Juan, the head of the business department, is the leader of the third recruitment team.In the face of heavy business work, Comrade Xin Juan did not complain. Instead, she actively explored new working modes. Through personnel coordination, reasonable division of labor, online and offline business development and other forms, she innovated working methods and dedicated herself to her work, and truly achieved "no absence" in business work and "no absence" in fighting the epidemic.

Yang Qiang——No matter how late, wait for you to come home


    "Hello, the car rental company? We need six 50-seater buses tomorrow. Please be there on time!" "Master Zhang, tomorrow night to xxx to pick up the support team home, please ensure safe delivery!" .Late on the night of July 30, 2022, Yang Qiang, Director of the Party and Political Office of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, was still coordinating the vehicle affairs of the support team. As the leader of the logistics support group of the recruitment team, he said, "The nucleic acid sampling personnel we recruited are working hard on the front line, no matter the wind and rain or the scorching sun, just to prevent the epidemic and protect the safety.And I have to provide them with adequate post-production, no matter how late they work, I have to see them home safely!"
