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Enjoy the flowers and spring outing, try these tips to prevent allergies
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-04-09

Spring is a great time to go out, climb mountains and enjoy the beautiful spring light. People with allergies can have an allergic reaction when they inhale pollen. Early prevention of allergy should be done to block the allergic process in time.

Common allergic diseases in spring include:

Respiratory allergic diseases:

Allergic rhinitis: manifested by runny nose, sneezing, nose itching, etc.

Allergic conjunctivitis: Itchy eyes, red eyes, tears and so on.

Allergic pharyngitis: throat itching, foreign body sensation and so on.

Allergic asthma: manifested by repeated coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and dyspnea.

Skin allergic diseases:

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) : Characterized by intense pruritus and eczema-like lesions, it tends to occur in children, mostly in infancy, and children often have an atopic constitution. The manifestations are erythema, pruritus, rash, peeling and so on.

Urticaria: Rapid onset of itching, wind, etc.

Gastrointestinal tract:

Allergic gastroenteritis: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.

Who are more susceptible to allergies?

1. Genetic factors: Allergies tend to run in families. If someone in your immediate family has an allergic condition, you are more likely to have an allergy problem.

2. Regional differences: Different types and concentrations of allergens in different regions lead to regional differences in people with high incidence of allergies. For example, people who live in areas with more pollen are more likely to develop pollen allergies.

3. Environmental factors: Pollutants and chemicals in the modern social environment may also increase the risk of allergies. Such as decoration materials may cause allergy symptoms to worsen.

4. Children and adolescents: Children and adolescents are in the stage of growth and development, the immune system is not fully mature, so the ability to adapt to the external environment is relatively weak, which makes them more vulnerable to the invasion of allergens.

5 sensitizing factors

The following sensitizing factors contribute to the high incidence of spring allergies.

1 Pollen

In spring, various tree pollens float in the air and are easy to be inhaled by the human body to cause allergies.

2 Dust Mites

When the weather warms up, dust mites breed quickly. As the saying goes, if you don't tan for three months, millions of dust mites will sleep with you.

3 Insects

The insects are restless and can bite people's bodies, causing allergic reactions.

4 Dust

Dust may contain bacteria that, once in contact with the skin, can trigger allergies.

5 Air temperature

Some people have sensitive skin. When the temperature changes, such as hot and cold, people with sensitive skin will appear hot and red.

Attach importance to prevention and control

At present, the World Health Organization recommends that the treatment of allergic diseases can take a "four-in-one, combined prevention and treatment" approach.

First, avoid exposure to allergens.

This is an effective way to prevent allergic diseases.

Second, use the right medicine to relieve symptoms. For example, use anti-allergy medication to relieve allergy symptoms.

Third, desensitization therapy.

The allergen sensitizing protein is mainly formulated into different concentrations of desensitization preparations, and the dose of desensitization preparations is gradually increased by repeated injection or repeated contact with the patient through other routes of administration, so as to improve the patient's tolerance to the allergen. When exposed to the allergen again, the patient's symptoms will be reduced or no longer allergic. Desensitization is the only causative treatment recommended by the World Health Organization.

Fourth, patients should receive health education to raise awareness of prevention and treatment of allergic diseases.