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If you don't pay attention, you can't stand the iron in your veins!
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-04-24

A neighbor aunt in her 50s died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage in the middle of the night last night, which really caught people off guard. Later, I heard the doctor's diagnosis, which was directly related to my aunt's eating habits. She is because the taste is too heavy, eating too much salt to induce the problem of hyperlipidemia, I hope that people with heavy taste can change, the sudden death to the family is really too big a blow.


Can hyperlipidemia induce cerebral infarction?

Cerebral infarction is a kind of cerebral stroke, which refers to the functional or structural damage of brain tissue caused by the blockage or rupture of cerebral vessels.

Among the inpatients with cerebrovascular diseases in China, about 83% died of ischemic death, and the recurrence rate was about 9.6%~17.7%. Among them, high cholesterol is also one of the main factors for recurrence.

We need to know that cerebral infarction is not the same as high blood fat.

Although the human body is in a state of hyperlipemia for a long time, it is easy to speed up the hardening of the blood vessel wall, resulting in the formation of hardened plaques. And for a long time, under the impact of blood, it may induce cerebral infarction. Moreover, under the conditions of nerve excitement and fast blood flow, the blood speed will increase the shedding speed of the hardened plaque, which is the root cause of the occurrence of cerebral infarction and the damage to the body's operation.

Therefore, in the case of elevated blood lipids, we should pay attention to a balanced diet, eat less irritating food, so as not to increase nerve excitability, but also to maintain a light diet, reduce salt intake, avoid hypertension, and promote rapid blood flow.

Remind you, if there are 3 kinds of abnormalities in the head, it may be the coming condition of cerebral infarction, please pay attention to it quickly!

1. Frequent yawning

Many patients with cerebral infarction may have frequent yawning, cerebrovascular blockage, the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain will be reduced, resulting in insufficient oxygen required by brain cells. The body will increase the number of yawns in order to get more oxygen, mainly because yawning allows the chest to expand and increase the amount of oxygen obtained from the outside world, so the number of yawns will increase.

2. Drooling often

If you often drool unconsciously in life, be careful is a sign of cerebrovascular blockage, this phenomenon will become more obvious especially at night, it is recommended to do brain CT examination as early as possible.

After the problem of cerebrovascular, it will make the brain lack of blood and oxygen, resulting in low brain activity, unable to control the facial nerve, so that it occurs disorder, resulting in problems in the control of facial muscles, resulting in frequent drooling.

3. Dizziness and headache

After the blockage of the cerebrovascular, the main symptom is dizziness and headache, because the cerebrovascular belongs to the main supplier of blood and oxygen to the brain.

If it is blocked, it may cause insufficient blood and oxygen supply to the brain, for a long time, there will be dizziness and headache, and secondly, it is also accompanied by memory loss and inattention problems.


Please note,

Three changes in the body or in an indication of elevated blood lipids

In daily life, various diseases will give us signals through the body before coming, when the body has abnormal symptoms, it may be that your blood lipids are quietly rising.

Symptom 1: dizziness and sleepiness

You should know when your brain is constantly feeling groggy, you often have trouble remembering what to do, and you tend to lose sleep. It may be that blood lipids are rising, and some people may have slightly less symptoms after breakfast.

Symptom 2: Yellow nodules

When the back of your hand, knuckles, elbow joints, knee joints and other parts of the yellow nodules, plaques, is also one of the symptoms of elevated blood lipids. Or yellow or orange streaks on the palm.

Symptom 3: Leg cramps

Legs and feet often cramp, tingling, and do not improve for a long time to be wary of high blood lipids, which is a kind of lower limb blood vessel atherosclerosis caused by elevated blood lipids, so that the supply of lower limb blood flow can not meet the needs. The performance is cold, numbness, and the leg muscles will have spasms, commonly known as "cramps".