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Equinox Yin and Yang half, peace is precious! Health should be "balanced" ~
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-06-27

The vernal equinox, one of the solar term, is the fourth solar term of spring. Around March 21 of the Gregorian calendar, “Seventy-two sets of interpretation of the Order of the month”: “In the middle of February, the division is also half, which is half of the 90 days, so it is called division. Today we welcome the fourth solar term in the solar term, the spring equinox. The spring equinox equalizes day and night, cold and heat, people should pay attention to the balance of yin and yang in health care, no matter in mental, diet, daily life, or in self-care and the use of drugs, must follow the principle of balance.

The vernal equinox

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Recommended Tea:

1. White Peony Chrysanthemum Tea

Ingredients: 9g white peony, 6g chrysanthemum.

Methods: Wash chrysanthemum white peony, put it in a health pot, add an appropriate amount of water, heat and boil for 5 minutes before drinking, or put it in a teacup with a lid, add 200 ml to 300 ml of boiling water, cover it and stew for 5 to 10 minutes before drinking.

Efficacy: dispersing wind-heat, nourishing liver and brightening eyes, flattening liver and suppressing Yang, lowering blood pressure. It is suitable for dizziness, headache, red eyes, blurred vision and elevated blood pressure caused by Yin deficiency of liver and kidney and hyperactivity of liver Yang.

2. Buddha's hand and ginseng Tea

Ingredients: 6g flower, 6g rose, 6g chrysanthemum, 6g Wolfberry, 6g Dendrobium.

Practice: Add 500ml boiled water, make tea and drink, one dose a day.

Efficacy: soothing liver and regulating qi, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. It is suitable for people with poor mood, poor sleep at night, dry eyes and blurred vision.

3. Mulberry two treasure tea

Material: mulberry 9 g (fresh mulberry 18 g), mulberry leaves 6 g.

Methods: Wash mulberry and mulberry leaves, put them in a health pot, add an appropriate amount of water, heat and boil for 5 minutes before drinking, or put them in a teacup with a lid, add 200 ml to 300 ml of boiling water, cover and stew for 5 to 10 minutes before drinking.

Efficacy: It has the function of nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing blood, expelling wind and brightening eyes.