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Notice of the Chengdu Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission on the regular evaluation of physicians in 2018
Author:管理员  Addtime:2018-07-17

About Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Notice of the Chengdu

 Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission on the regular evaluation of physicians in 2018

     Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, Chengdu Tianfu New District Social Undertaking Bureau, each district (city) county health and planning bureau, medical institutions directly under the Commission and registered medical institutions:

According to the former Ministry of Health "Administrative Measures for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians" (Wei Yi Fa [2007] No. 66), "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Further Performing the Management of Periodic Evaluation of Physicians" (Wei Ban Yi Guan Fa [2010] 208 ) And the requirements of the “Implementation Plan for the Periodic Evaluation of Health Professionals and Technical Personnel at Various Levels in Chengdu (Trial)” (Chengwei Medical [2007] No. 84), in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the regular evaluation of physicians this year, relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Evaluation objects

All types of medical, prevention, and health care institutions (including township health centers, industrial and mining enterprises, and private and individual medical institutions) at all levels in our city have obtained the qualifications of doctors according to law and have been practicing for two years before registration on January 1, 2017 ( Assistant) physician. (Note: Retirees who continue to practice clinically need to participate in the assessment, those who do not practice will not be assessed; those who have obtained the qualification certificates of physicians and assistant physicians, and those who have not yet obtained the practice certificate will not be assessed.)

Second, the assessment cycle

January 1, 2017-December 31, 2018

3. Principles of the assessment work organization

The periodic assessment of physicians uniformly adopts the "Registration and Management System of Information for Periodic Assessment of Physicians of the National Health and Family Planning Commission" ( The assessment work implements the three-level responsibility system of the municipal assessment office, the district (city) county assessment office and the medical institution (hereinafter referred to as the assessment institution) that undertakes the assessment task. The Chengdu Medical Doctor Periodic Evaluation Office is responsible for the organization and information release of the city ’s physician periodic evaluation work; each district (city) county physician periodic evaluation office is responsible for all medical, health, and health care institutions in the area under its jurisdiction (except for provincial registered medical care) Institutions and military hospitals) to guide and manage the assessment of physicians. Each assessment agency is responsible for the specific organization and implementation in accordance with the work plan requirements and assessment procedures of the periodic assessment office of the local physician.

(1) Responsibilities of health and administrative departments of districts (cities) and counties

1. Communicate the contents of this notice to medical, prevention, health care institutions, medical and health industries, and academic organizations within the jurisdiction before March 31.

2. Log in to the "Registration System for Periodic Assessment Information of Physicians of the National Health and Family Planning Commission" to establish a system login account for the medical and health institutions under its jurisdiction.

3. Do a good job of entrusting and designating assessment agencies in their jurisdictions. Medical, preventive, health care institutions or medical and health industries and academic organizations that meet the following conditions may be designated as assessment institutions.

(1) Medical institutions with more than 100 beds;

(2) Prevention and health care institutions with more than 50 physicians;

(3) Medical and health industries and academic organizations with sound organizational structures.

4. Do a good job in the assessment of Chinese medicine practitioners in medical and health institutions without the qualification of assessment institutions in their jurisdictions (including resident municipal medical institutions).

5. Physicians who have participated in the regular examinations in their jurisdictions should promptly review the changes of physician information on the system in time when changing the practice location to ensure the accuracy of information.

6. Do a good job in the preparation, organization and assessment of the business level test in the jurisdiction.

7. After the completion of this year's examination work, instruct the various assessment institutions and health institutions within the jurisdiction to export qualified personnel information as an archive. Fill in the “Registration Form for Application of Anti-counterfeiting Labels for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians” (in duplicate), and submit to the Chengdu City Regular Evaluation Office.

8. Receiving and distributing the “qualified” anti-counterfeiting stickers for each annual test.

(2) Work responsibilities of the assessment agency

1. Set up an assessment committee to determine the personnel; establish a work system to determine the work plan.

2. Review the physician information, professional ethics and work results submitted on the review system, publish the assessment list, and publish the summary procedure assessment physician list.

3. Announce the list of professional level test physicians, organize the implementation of evaluation.

4. Enter and report the assessment results.

5. Export the information of the qualified personnel of the designated health institution as an archive, fill out the "Registration Form for Approval of Anti-counterfeit Labels for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians" (in duplicates), and submit it to the health administration department for examination.

6. Receive and issue qualified anti-counterfeiting stickers.

(3) Work responsibilities of medical and health institutions

1. The name and registration account of the physician's system of the department of the hospital to which the physician within the institution belongs has been established through the "Registration System for Periodic Assessment Information of Physicians of the National Health and Family Planning Commission".

2. Instruct the physician to fill in the report, review the physician ’s information, sign the summary procedure evaluation opinion, and sign the work score and professional ethics evaluation opinion.

3. Those who meet the requirements apply to become assessment agencies in the system. According to the requirements of the attached document of the “Registration and Management System for Periodic Examination Information for Physicians of the National Health and Family Planning Commission”, “Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Doing a Better Job in the Periodic Examination and Management of Physicians”, relevant materials should be submitted to the relevant health administrative department to determine the examination office (including "Annex 5 for the information registration form of the regular assessment agency", the units that have become the assessment agency in the previous year do not need to reapply if the information cannot be changed, organizational structure adjustment and other information changes.

4. Issue the user name of each physician and urge the physician to modify the initial password.

5. Physicians with a change of practice location log in to the physician's account and apply for transfer or transfer (selected transfers received by the unit, selective transfers for non-practitioners, and the doctor will re-initiate the transfer application from the personal account when continuing to practice), review and transfer the physician to submit Information.

6. After the assessment of this year is over, print out the "Notice of the Periodic Assessment Results of Physicians" of qualified personnel as an archive.

7. Receive and issue doctor-qualified anti-counterfeiting stickers, and guide doctors to paste in the practice record column of the practice certificate.

4. Assessment type, method and management

(1) Assessment category

The periodic assessment categories of physicians are divided into clinical, Chinese medicine (including Chinese medicine, ethnic medicine, integrated Chinese and Western medicine), oral cavity and public health.

(2) Examination personnel's practice experience time

Algorithm for practicing experience time: in 1999, the personnel certified by the health administrative department as practicing physicians are counted according to their actual practicing time; after 1999, those who participated in the National Physician Qualification Examination for physician qualifications are counted from the time of obtaining the practicing license.

(3) Assessment method

The assessment methods are divided into general procedures and simple procedures. The general program assessment content is: work performance, professional ethics and business level; the simple program assessment content is: work performance, professional ethics, no longer conduct business level test.

The summary procedure is determined in accordance with Article 19 and Article 21 of the "Administrative Measures for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians"

The Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, in accordance with the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission (Chuanwei Office Development [2013] No. 495), stipulates that the participation of medical practitioners in medical institutions of level two or above in free medical consultations shall be included in the performance evaluation of doctors ’regular assessment work. They should participate in 2 free medical consultation activities, and doctors who have no record of participating in free medical consultation activities are not allowed to conduct regular assessments in accordance with the simplified procedures.

(4) Evaluation organization department

The assessment of business level is organized and implemented by the health administrative departments of districts (cities) and counties.

(5) Management of assessment results

After the doctors pass the examination, the examination management department will paste the regular examination pass anti-counterfeiting label in the practicing record column of the doctor's "practice certificate" as the proof of the examination pass every cycle. According to the notice of the Chengdu Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission on the issuance of the "Implementation Rules for the Multi-point Practice Management of Chengdu Doctors (Implementation)" (Cheng Wei Ji Fa [2015] No. 95), the results of the regular assessment have been included in the application for multi-point practice One of the conditions.

As for the unqualified doctors, the administrative department in charge of health can order them to suspend their practice activities for 3 to 6 months, and receive training and continuing medical education; when the suspension of practice activities expires, the assessment agency will conduct the assessment again. Qualified persons can continue to practice, but they cannot be evaluated and promoted within this assessment period; if they fail to make up the examination, the administrative department in charge of health planning shall cancel the registration and withdraw the doctor's practice certificate.

According to Articles 23 and 27 of the "Administrative Measures for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians", there are relevant supplementary provisions on the evaluation results.

(6) Dealing with special circumstances

For doctors who cannot participate in the regular assessment on time due to special reasons, the institution or organization will issue a certificate to the assessment agency, and the assessment can be postponed with the approval of the assessment agency; the doctors who are ready to be transferred can apply to the affiliated examination office for early assessment; As a visiting scholar or a doctor who assists the country, because it has suspended practice in the country, it does not need to participate in regular assessments.

(7) Relevant questions about physician account

The doctor ’s account cannot be logged in due to the loss of the initial password or the multiple accounts for one person. The health institution where the doctor is located is required to fill in the “Information Change Application Letter of the“ Registration System for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians of the National Health and Family Planning Commission ””, indicating Physician's ID number, practice certificate code and other information, according to the fax number prompted by the system, apply to the backstage to retrieve or merge account, at the same time you can call 400-885-0626 for consultation.

(8) Questions about qualified anti-counterfeiting labels

If any anti-counterfeit stickers are damaged during the issuance and pasting process, the district (city) county health administrative department and each municipal-level assessment agency shall fill in the "Annual Physician Periodic Evaluation of the Use of Anti-counterfeit Stickers" and return the damaged stickers. From the municipal examination office to the provincial examination office for redemption.

V. Assessment process

(1) Process

1. All districts (cities), counties, and health administration departments should establish a system login account for all health institutions within their jurisdiction and complete the entrustment and designation of the assessment agencies in the "Registration and Management System of Periodic Assessment Information for Physicians of the National Health and Family Planning Commission" by April 13.

2. The medical, prevention, and health care institutions that are subject to the assessment shall submit the information of the physicians subject to the assessment by April 30.

3. Medical, preventive, and health care institutions conduct behavior records, work achievements, and professional ethics assessments for doctors in accordance with regulations, and submit them before May 15.

4. The assessment agency completes the review of the summary procedures and general procedures by June 10, and announces the list of doctors who need to undergo professional level assessment.

5. All districts (cities), counties and administrative departments of health planning and examination and municipal registration assessment agencies shall fill in the "Application Form for Approval of Anti-counterfeit Labels for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians" and "Registration Form for Approval of Anti-counterfeit Labels for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians" by November 30 This form is in duplicate), and handed over to Chengdu's regular assessment office.

(2) Evaluation of business level

1. Evaluation time: June 28, 29, complete the information report of the qualified doctors of this year's assessment before July 20, and finally complete the assessment based on the doctor can view the notice of this year's assessment results.

2. Before July 31, each district (city) and county health and administrative department summarizes the results of the assessment agencies residing in the area under their jurisdiction according to the principle of territorialization management, and summarizes it in the form of EXCEL table to the municipal examination office.

3. The retest time will be notified separately.

Sixth, the assessment work requirements

(1) Strengthen leadership and improve the organization. The periodic evaluation system for physicians is an effective means and an important measure to improve the overall quality of the medical team, ensure medical quality and medical safety, and protect the lives and health of the people. All districts (cities), county health and planning bureaus, various assessment agencies, and party and government leaders of medical, preventive, and health care institutions must attach great importance to, and effectively strengthen the organizational leadership of doctors ’regular assessment work, establish timely periodic assessment organization leadership institutions, and do well the assessment work The publicity organization and implementation arrangements ensure the standardized implementation of the assessment work.

(2) Serious discipline inspection, strengthen management and supervision. All medical institutions should strictly follow the requirements of doctors' regular assessment work, do a good job of self-evaluation and unit evaluation, and be realistic, objective, fair, do not walk through the field, do not falsify, and ensure the seriousness of the assessment work. The assessment office of the Chengdu Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission will supervise the assessment situation and effects of the assessment agencies, and conduct spot checks on the assessment results. Units and leaders who are untrue in the assessment work and individuals who conceal the truth and falsify during the assessment will be dealt with seriously.

Address of the Office for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians in Chengdu: Room 615, 6th Floor, Building B, Science and Technology Hall, Beisen South Road, Chengdu

Contact: Dong Xiaojing

Telephone number: 81710224

Periodic assessment group of physicians in Chengdu: 211734457, 217152713 (only for the designated examination offices of all districts, cities and counties and the registered assessment institutions in the city to join, it is recommended that the examination offices at all levels set their own assessment groups and note the group number when forwarding documents)


attachment1. Physician's regular assessment of qualified anti-counterfeiting label application

2. Physician's regular assessment of the registration form for the application of qualified anti-counterfeiting labels

3. Explanation of the use of qualified anti-counterfeiting labels by physicians in regular assessments of the year

4. Application Letter for Information Change of "Registration and Management System of Information for Periodic Evaluation of Physicians of National Health and Family Planning Commission"

5. Physician's regular assessment agency information registration form



Chengdu Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission

March 19, 2018