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Notice on forwarding the "Notice of Chengdu Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission Job Reform Office to Do a Good Job of the 2017 Nurses' Qualification Examination in Our City"
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-01-25

About Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

Notice of "Chengdu Health and Family Planning Commission Vocational Reform Office Doing a Good Job of the 2017 Nurse Practitioner Qualification Examination"

Medical institutions in the high-tech zone:

   According to the “Notice on Issues Related to the 2017 Nurse Practicing Qualification Examination” (Huaokebanfa [2016] No. 5) of the Office of the National Nurse Practicing Qualification Examination Committee and the “About Doing 2017 Practicing Nurses” The "Qualification Examination Work Notice" (Chuanhuo Examination Office [2016] No. 2) requires that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the nurses' qualification examination in 2017 in our district, relevant notices are now forwarded, please follow them!

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

December 20, 2016


About doing a good job in our city's 2017 nurse practice

Notice of qualification examination work

All districts (cities), county health planning bureaus, high-tech zone social undertakings, Tianfu New District Chengdu Management Committee social undertakings, and units directly under the committee:

According to the “Notice on Issues Related to the 2017 Nurse Practicing Qualification Examination” (Huaokebanfa [2016] No. 5) of the Office of the National Nurse Practicing Qualification Examination Committee and the “About Doing 2017 Practicing Nurses” The Notice of Qualification Examination Work (Chuan Nuo Kao Ban Fa [2016] No. 2) requires that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the 2017 nurse qualification examination in our city, the relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Application conditions

Comply with the provisions of the "Nurse Practice Examination Measures" (Ministry Order No. 74) issued by the former Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, complete the ordinary full-time stipulations prescribed by the State Council Education Department and the State Council Health Department Nursing and midwifery professional courses of more than 3 years, including the completion of more than 8 months of clinical practice in nursing in teaching and general hospitals, and obtaining the corresponding academic certificate, you can apply for the nurse qualification examination.

2. Registration time, method, location and requirements

(1) Registration time and method: From December 15, 2016 to January 5, 2017, candidates can log in to China Health Talent Network ( to fill in personal registration information online according to the registration instructions and print " The 2017 Application Form for Nurses ’Qualification Examination, the application form must be stamped with the official seal of the work unit (school) and the personnel file management department. Strictly follow the requirements of the Sichuan Provincial Nurses Qualification Examination Leading Group Office's "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the 2017 Nurses' Qualification Examination" (Chuanhuo Examination Office [2016] No. 2) (Annex 1) to upload photos. Candidates who have forecasted their names online must go to the corresponding registration point to confirm the application online. Registration without confirmation is invalid.

(2) Registration location and preliminary examination: According to the principle of territorial management of the work unit where the candidate is located (no work unit candidates are declared at the place where the file management is located), each district (city) county health planning administrative department and the relevant unit (school) are responsible for the region or unit ( School) registration and preliminary examination.

Chengdu High-tech Zone Preliminary Examination Address: Office 201, 2nd Floor, Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone (59 Xinyi West Street, Chengdu High-tech Zone)

(3) Each district (city) county health planning bureau and related units should actively do publicity work, organize the registration of candidates strictly in accordance with the time prescribed by the Chengdu Examination Office, and must not end the registration in advance.

3. On-site qualification confirmation

(1) All districts (cities), counties, and units (schools) will go to the Chengdu test center to complete the on-site confirmation procedures within the specified time, and candidates will not go to the site for confirmation in individual form. Units and candidates in Pixian County, Qingbaijiang District, Jianyang City and Xindu District can go directly to the local health administrative department to designate the place to apply for registration confirmation. The on-site qualification confirmation time is from December 26, 2016 to January 3, 2017, and the processing time is 9: 00-11: 00 am and 14: 00-16: 00 pm (except statutory holidays).

(2) I am responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted by candidates in the online registration. During the on-site confirmation, the "Confirmation Form for Registration Information of the 2017 Nurse Practitioner Qualification Examination" must be checked and signed by the candidates. After completing the qualification review and on-site qualification confirmation to complete the registration procedures, you may not change the relevant information of the major, subject and other applications. Those who fail to complete the registration and qualification confirmation within the stipulated time will not go through the supplementary application procedures.

(3) All units strictly follow the arrangement of the on-site confirmation time in our city (see Annex 2), conscientiously do a good job in the collection of candidates' application materials, preliminary qualification examination and other work, and fill in the "Chengdu 2017 Nurse Qualification Exam Registration Roster" (see Annex 3).

4. Documents and materials must be submitted

Those who declare to take the nurse qualification examination should register within the prescribed time limit and submit the following materials:

(1) The printed "Registration Application Form for the 2017 Nurses' Qualification Examination";

(2) My ID card (original and copy);

(3) My graduation certificate (original and photocopy). College degree and above are required to provide the "Electronic Record Registration Form of the Ministry of Education" or the "Chinese Higher Education Qualification Certification Report" issued by the Higher Education Qualification Certification Agency designated by the National Education Administration Department), and the academic query code is valid until March 10 .

(4) If the applicant is a fresh graduate of the school, the school shall carry out the registration procedures collectively with the relevant certificate (the content of the certification includes whether it is a fresh graduate and whether it can complete an 8-month clinical practice in nursing).

V. Registration fees

(1) According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission on Relevant Issues Concerning the Acceptance of Fees for Examination of Nurses ’Practicing Qualification Examination (Cai Zong [2012] No. 59), and the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on further standardizing occupations The "Notice on Relevant Issues Concerning the Management of Qualification Examination Fees" (Fazhi Price [2012] No. 328) stipulates that the examination registration fee: 61 yuan / person / subject.

(2) Online payment will be implemented this year, and on-site payment will not be accepted. Candidates must complete the online payment before January 15, 2017 after on-site confirmation. Candidates who fail to pay the fees after the due date are deemed to have waived their registration.

6. Candidate's admission ticket printing

From April 12, 2017, candidates can log in to China Health Talent Network ( to print the admission ticket by themselves. The deadline is May 6, 2017.


1. Chuanhu Examination Office issued [2016] No. 2 Document

2. Chengdu examination center 2017 nurse qualification examination confirmation schedule

3. Register of rosters for the 2017 nurse qualification examination in Chengdu


Office of the Leading Group for the Reform of the Title of 

Chengdu Health and Family Planning Commission

December 15, 2016